Stones and Rocks
acrolith | wooden statue with stone extremities |
aerolith | stone that falls from the sky; meteorite |
albolith | white cement formed from magnesia and silica |
alvinolith | obsolete term for coprolith |
amphibiolith | fossilized amphibian |
anthropolith | fossilized human skeleton |
antilithic | counteracting effects of bladder stones |
archaeolithic | pertaining to the most ancient man-made stone tools |
asthenolith | body of magma formed in the asthenosphere of the earth |
batholith | large mass of intruded igneous rock |
biolith | rock formed by living creatures |
broncholith | stone in the bronchial glands |
brontolith | aerolith |
bysmalith | cylinder of igneous rock that lifts overlying rock when forced upward |
cardiolith | concretion in the heart |
cholelith | gallstone |
chololith | gallstone |
chromolith | colour impression of a drawing on stone |
coccolith | tiny calcareous plate whose fossils form chalk and limestone deposits |
coprolith | ball of hardened feces |
cyclolith | stone circle |
cystolith | calcium carbonate that masses in cell wall of some plants |
dacryolith | stone forming in the tear ducts |
encephalolith | stone forming in the brain |
endolith | coloured design on chemically prepared slab of marble or ivory |
enterolith | stone forming in the stomach or intestines |
eolith | stone naturally formed but thought to be manufactured |
epilithic | growing on the surface of rocks |
fecalith | stony heap or mass of feces |
gastrolith | stone ingested by an animal to aid in digestion |
heliolithic | of a civilization, characterized by megaliths and sun-worship |
hepatolith | gallstone |
hippolith | concretion in the stomach of a horse |
hydrolaccolith | mass of ice that thrusts up overlying soil to form a mound |
hydrolith | calcium hydride |
inolith | stone forming in fibrous tissue |
laccolith | mass of igneous rock intruded between two sedimentary beds |
lithagogue | having the power to expel concretions from the bladder or kidney |
lithectasy | surgical removal of concretions through the urethra |
lithiasis | formation of concretions in any part of the body |
lithic | of or pertaining to stone |
lithics | study of stone artifacts |
lithification | process of becoming stone |
lithobiotic | pertaining to the natural state of crystals or minerals |
lithocarp | fossilized fruit |
lithochromatics | application of oil paints to stone |
lithochromatography | colour printing using several lithographic plates |
lithochromy | painting upon stone |
lithochrysography | printing in gold on stone |
lithoclast | stone breaker; tool for breaking rocks |
lithodialysis | operation by which bladder stones are dissolved |
lithodomous | living in burrows in rocks |
lithofractor | rock-breaker |
lithogenesis | formation of rocks |
lithogenous | stone-producing; coral-producing |
lithoglyph | engraving on stone |
lithography | art of printing on specially prepared stone to allow ink impressions |
lithoid | having the structure or nature of stone |
litholabe | instrument for holding stone while being extracted from the bladder |
litholatry | stone-worship |
lithology | study of rocks |
lithomancy | divination by stones or meteorites |
lithometer | instrument for measuring size of a concretion in the bladder |
lithomyl | tool for reducing concretions into powder |
lithontriptic | breaking up concretions in the bladder |
lithopaedium | dead fetus impregnated with calcareous matter |
lithophagous | stone-swallowing; rock-boring; eating rock |
lithophany | art of making a kind of ornamental glass |
lithophilous | living among stones |
lithophone | medical instrument that makes audible sound upon contact of probe with a concretion |
lithophosphoric | becoming phosphorescent when heated |
lithophyte | plant that grows on rock |
lithosphere | crust and upper mantle of the earth |
lithostatic | designating pressure exerted by overlying rock layers |
lithostratigraphy | study of layers of rock based on their physical characteristics |
lithotheology | natural theology based on the study of stones |
lithotint | tinted picture created from a lithograph |
lithotome | naturally occurring rock that resembles a cut stone |
lithotomy | surgical operation to remove stones from the bladder |
lithotomy | a quarry |
lithotripsy | operation involving crushing or disintegration of bladder stones |
lithotrite | archaic medical instrument for crushing bladder stones |
lithotype | etched stone surface for printing |
lopolith | complex laccolith with a centrally sunken base |
megalith | large rough stone used as a monument |
microlith | very small stone tool |
monolith | large single stone in form of monument, obelisk or column |
neolith | stone tool or weapon associated with early farming peoples |
nephrolith | kidney stone |
odontolith | concretion made of dental tartar |
oolith | small rounded limestone granule |
ophthalmolith | concretion in the tear ducts |
oscheolith | concretion in the scrotum |
otolith | calcium concretion in inside of vertebrate's ear to aid in equilibrium |
palaeotolith | stone tool supposedly of pre-paleolithic date |
paleolith | stone tool associated with paleolithic peoples |
peristalith | ancient stone circle |
phacolith | lens-shaped intrusive mass of igneous rock between two strata |
phlebolith | concretion in the veins |
phonolith | igneous rock that makes a ringing noise when struck |
photolith | image produced by transferring photograph to a lithographic plate |
phytolith | fossilized plant |
pisolith | pea-shaped stony concretion |
pneumatolith | stone in the lung |
polylith | prehistoric monument consisting of many stones |
postholith | concretion or stone in the foreskin |
prepalaeolith | stone tool supposedly of pre-paleolithic date |
prostatolith | concretion in the prostate gland |
protolith | precursor to a metamorphic rock |
psammolithic | consisting of sandstone |
regolith | layer of loose rock and soil overlaying bedrock of a planet |
rhinolith | concretion forming in the nasal cavity |
sebolith | concretion forming in the sebaceous glands |
sialolith | concretion forming in the salivary gland |
spongolith | fossil sponge |
statolith | small calcareous stone used by invertebrates to maintain equilibrium |
stercolith | concretion forming around hardened feces |
stromatolith | rock structure consisting of alternating igneous and sedimentary layers |
tonsillolith | concretion forming in the tonsils |
trilith | stone monument of two upright and one transverse slab |
tripolith | kind of cement |
uranolith | meteoritic stone |
ureterolith | concretion forming in the ureter |
urolith | small stone in the urinary tract |
uterolith | concretion forming in the uterus |
xenolith | fragment of extraneous rock embedded in magma or another rock |

Sesquipedalian Words
anopisthographic | bearing writing or inscription only on one side | 16 |
anthropophaginian | cannibal | 17 |
antidisestablishmentarianism | doctrine opposed to removing Church of England's official religion status | 28 |
antilapsarianism | denial of doctrine of the fall of humanity | 16 |
arachibutyrophobia | fear of peanut butter sticking to roof of mouth | 18 |
archididascalian | of, like or pertaining to headmasters | 16 |
astrometeorology | study of effect of stars on climate | 16 |
autothaumaturgist | person pretending to be mystical or mysterious | 17 |
ballistocardiograph | instrument for detecting body movements caused by heartbeat | 19 |
bathyorographical | of, like or pertaining to depth underwater or elevation above sea level | 17 |
bathythermograph | instrument for recording water temperature as compared to depth | 16 |
brachycatalectic | lacking two syllables from end of a line of verse | 16 |
chiropterophilous | pollinated or frequented by bats | 17 |
chromatoptometer | instrument measuring eyes' sensitivity to colour | 16 |
chronosynchronicity | presentation of all stages of a person's life in a single piece of art | 19 |
chryselephantine | inlaid with gold and ivory | 16 |
chrysoaristocracy | government by the wealthy; plutocracy | 17 |
contradistinguish | to distinguish by contrasting qualities | 17 |
crystallogenesis | production of crystals | 16 |
dendrochronology | study of tree rings | 16 |
eellogofusciouhipoppokunurious | good | 30 |
electrocardiograph | instrument for recording unusual electrical fluctuations of the heart | 18 |
electrochemistry | study of relations between electricity and chemicals | 16 |
electrodynamometer | instrument for measuring electrical current | 18 |
electroencephalograph | instrument for measuring the brain's electrical impulses | 21 |
electroretinograph | instrument for measuring electrical activity in the retina | 18 |
epiphenomenalism | doctrine that mental processes are epiphenomena of brain activity | 16 |
ethnomethodology | study of everyday communication | 16 |
floccinaucinihilipilification | setting at little or no value | 29 |
gastroenterology | study of stomach; intestines | 16 |
gynotikolobomassophile | one who nibbles on women's earlobes | 22 |
honorificabilitudinity | honourableness | 22 |
hydrometeorology | study of atmospheric moisture | 16 |
hypertrichologist | person who treats unsightly facial hair | 17 |
iatromathematics | archaic practice of medicine in conjunction with astrology | 16 |
ichthyoacanthotoxism | poisoning from the sting or bite of a fish | 20 |
ichthyocoprolite | fossilized fish poop | 16 |
interfenestration | spacing of windows | 17 |
interramification | interweaving of branches | 17 |
intertesselation | complex interrelationship | 16 |
introspectionism | doctrine that knowledge of mind must derive from introspection | 16 |
kakorrhaphiophobia | fear of failure | 18 |
knick-knackatory | collection of knick-knacks | 16 |
latitudinarianism | doctrine of broad liberality in religious belief and conduct | 17 |
maschalephidrosis | massive sweating of the armpits | 17 |
microcalorimeter | instrument for measuring tiny quantities of heat | 16 |
microclimatology | study of local climates | 16 |
micropalaeontology | study of microscopic fossils | 18 |
microseismograph | instrument for recording small or distant earthquakes | 16 |
microseismometer | instrument for measuring small or distant earthquakes | 16 |
onychotillomania | compulsive picking at the fingernails | 16 |
otorhinolaryngology | study of ear, nose and throat | 19 |
palaeoanthropology | study of early humans | 18 |
palaeoclimatology | study of ancient climates | 17 |
pantochronometer | combined sundial and compass | 16 |
penecontemporaneous | of geological processes occurring immediately after deposition | 19 |
perpilocutionist | one who speaks through his hat | 16 |
philoprogenitive | of, like or pertaining to instinctive love for offspring | 16 |
photopolarimeter | instrument for measuring intensity and polarization of reflected light | 16 |
physiophilosophy | system of knowledge concerning principles of natural history | 16 |
pneumatophilosophy | philosophy of spirits or the spirit world | 18 |
podobromhydrosis | smelly feet | 16 |
polyphiloprogenitive | very fertile; very imaginative | 20 |
polysyllabilingual | relating to polysyllabic languages | 18 |
porphyrogeniture | accession of 1st son born after father's accession | 16 |
precipitinogenic | causing precipitation | 16 |
predestinarianism | belief that what ever is to happen is already fixed | 17 |
pseudoautochiria | murder disguised as suicide | 16 |
pseudochromaesthesia | mental association of sounds with colours | 20 |
psychopannychism | belief souls sleep from death to resurrection | 16 |
psychroaesthesia | sensation of cold in part of body that is actually warm | 16 |
quadragesimarian | one who observes Lent | 16 |
quadragintesimal | forty-fold; having forty parts | 16 |
quasquicentennial | one hundred twenty-fifth anniversary | 17 |
quindecasyllabic | having fifteen syllables | 16 |
quingentumvirate | government by five hundred individuals | 16 |
quoddamodotative | existing in a certain manner | 16 |
quodlibetificate | to quibble with | 16 |
radappertization | treatment of food with ionizing radiation to kill bacteria | 16 |
radiometeorograph | instrument for measuring atmospheric conditions at high altitude | 17 |
representationalism | doctrine that ideas rather than external objects are basis of knowledge | 19 |
rhinotillexomania | compulsive nose picking | 17 |
sacramentarianism | belief that sacraments have unusual properties | 17 |
self-determinism | doctrine that the actions of a self are determined by itself | 16 |
spectrofluorimeter | instrument for measuring and recording fluorescence spectra | 18 |
spectroheliograph | instrument for taking pictures of the sun | 17 |
spectroheliokinematograph | camera for taking pictures of the sun | 25 |
spectrohelioscope | instrument for viewing solar disc in light of a single wavelength | 17 |
spectrophotometer | instrument for measuring speed of different parts of light spectrum | 17 |
sphygmomanometer | instrument for measuring arterial blood pressure | 16 |
syncategorematic | meaningless or unable to form a term without other words | 16 |
telespectroscope | instrument for analysing radiation omitted by distant bodies | 16 |
tephrochronology | dating of volcanic eruptions by studying layers of ash | 16 |
tetrakishexahedron | cube with pyramid erected on each face | 18 |
theanthroposophy | system of belief concerning Christ as god and man | 16 |
theophilanthropism | love of both God and humanity | 18 |
thermokinematics | study of motion of heat | 16 |
thermometrograph | instrument for recording changes in temperature | 16 |
lautenclavicymbel | lute harpsichord with gut strings | 17 |
transcendentalism | theory that emphasizes that which transcends perception | 17 |
transmigrationism | belief that soul passes into other body at death | 17 |
transubstantiation | miraculous changing of bread and wine into body and blood of Christ | 18 |
triboluminescence | emission of light caused by friction | 17 |
trichotillomania | neurosis where patient pulls out own hair | 16 |
triskaidekaphobia | fear of the number thirteen | 17 |
xenodocheionology | love of hotels | 17 |
zenzizenzizenzic | eighth power of a number | 16 |

Scientific Instruments
absorptiometer | instrument for measuring solubility of gases in liquids |
accelerometer | instrument for measuring acceleration or vibrations |
acetimeter | instrument for measuring strength of vinegar |
acidimeter | instrument for measuring concentration of acids |
actinograph | instrument used to calculate time of photographic exposure |
actinometer | instrument for measuring incident radiation |
aerometer | instrument for measuring weight or density of gas |
aethrioscope | instrument for measuring temperature variations due to sky conditions |
alcoholometer | instrument for measuring proportion of alcohol in solutions |
alcovinometer | instrument to measure strength of wine |
algometer | instrument for measuring sensitivity to pain |
alkalimeter | instrument for measuring strength of alkalines |
altimeter | instrument for measuring altitude |
ammeter | instrument for measuring electrical current |
anemograph | instrument for measuring pressure and velocity of wind |
anemometer | instrument for measuring wind velocity |
areometer | instrument used for measuring specific gravity |
arthroscope | instrument for examining interior of a joint |
atmometer | instrument for measuring evaporating capacity of air |
audiometer | instrument for measuring acuity of hearing |
auriscope | instrument for examining the ear |
auxanometer | instrument for measuring growth of plants |
auxometer | instrument for measuring magnifying power |
ballistocardiograph | instrument for detecting body movements caused by heartbeat |
barograph | instrument for recording air pressure |
barometer | instrument for measuring air pressure |
baroscope | weather-glass |
bathymeter | instrument for recording contours of deep oceans |
bathythermograph | instrument for recording water temperature as compared to depth |
bolometer | instrument for measuring radiant energy or infrared light |
bronchoscope | instrument for examining the windpipe |
calorimeter | instrument for measuring absorbed or evolved heat |
cardiograph | instrument for recording movements of the heart |
cathetometer | instrument for measuring short vertical distances |
ceilometer | instrument for measuring height of cloud ceiling above earth |
ceraunograph | instrument for recording thunder and lightning |
chlorometer | instrument for measuring amount of chlorine in a solution |
chromatograph | instrument for performing chromatographic separations |
chromatoptometer | instrument measuring eyes' sensitivity to colour |
chronograph | instrument for recording the moment of an event |
chronometer | instrument for measuring time |
chronoscope | instrument for measuring very short time intervals |
clinometer | instrument used to measure slopes and elevations |
coercimeter | instrument for measuring coercive force |
colonoscope | instrument for viewing the colon |
colorimeter | instrument for measuring and determining color |
colposcope | instrument for viewing the neck of the uterus |
coronagraph | instrument for viewing the corona of the sun |
coulombmeter | instrument for measuring electric charge |
coulometer | instrument measuring amount of substance released in electrolysis |
craniometer | instrument for measuring the skull |
cratometer | instrument for measuring power of magnification |
crescograph | instrument for measuring the growth of plants |
cryometer | instrument for measuring low temperatures |
cryoscope | instrument for determining freezing points of substances |
cyanometer | instrument for measuring blueness of the sky or ocean |
cyclograph | instrument for describing arcs of circles without compasses |
cyclometer | instrument for measuring revolutions of a wheel |
cymograph | instrument for tracing the outline of mouldings |
cymometer | instrument for measuring frequency of electrical waves |
cystoscope | instrument for examining the bladder |
cytometer | instrument for counting cells |
decelerometer | instrument for measuring deceleration |
declinometer | instrument for measuring magnetic declination |
dendrometer | instrument for measuring trees |
densimeter | instrument for measuring closeness of grain of a substance |
densitometer | instrument for measuring optical or photographic density |
diagometer | instrument for measuring electrical conductivity |
diagraph | instrument for enlarging or projecting drawings |
diaphanometer | instrument for measuring the transparency of air |
dichroscope | instrument for examining crystals for dichroism |
diffractometer | instrument for determining structure of crystal through light diffraction |
dilatometer | instrument for measuring expansion |
dioptometer | instrument for measuring focus or refraction of the eyes |
dipleidoscope | instrument for measuring moment when an object passes a meridian |
diplograph | instrument for writing two lines of text at once |
dosimeter | instrument for measuring dose of radiation |
dromometer | instrument for measuring speed |
drosometer | instrument for measuring dew |
durometer | instrument for measuring hardness of substances |
dynamograph | instrument for recording mechanical forces |
dynamometer | instrument for measuring mechanical force |
ebullioscope | instrument for measuring boiling point of liquids |
effusiometer | instrument for comparing molecular weights of gases |
eidograph | instrument for copying drawings |
elatrometer | instrument for measuring gaseous pressure |
electrocardiograph | instrument for recording unusual electrical fluctuations of the heart |
electrodynamometer | instrument for measuring electrical current |
electroencephalograph | instrument for measuring the brain's electrical impulses |
electrograph | instrument for recording electrical potential |
electrometer | instrument for measuring electrical potential |
electromyograph | instrument for diagnosing neuromuscular disorders |
electroretinograph | instrument for measuring electrical activity in the retina |
electroscope | instrument for detecting electrical charges in the body |
ellipsograph | instrument for describing ellipses |
encephalograph | instrument for recording brain images |
endoscope | instrument for visualizing interior of a hollow organ |
endosmometer | instrument for measuring osmosis into a solution |
epidiascope | instrument for projecting images of objects |
episcope | instrument for projecting images of opaque objects |
ergograph | instrument for measuring and recording muscular work |
ergometer | instrument for measuring work performed |
eriometer | instrument for measuring very small diameters |
eudiometer | instrument for measuring air purity |
evaporimeter | instrument for measuring rate of evaporation |
extensometer | instrument for measuring deformation in object due to forces applied |
fathometer | instrument for measuring underwater depth using sound |
fiberscope | instrument using fiberoptics to examine inaccessible areas |
floriscope | instrument for inspecting flowers |
flowmeter | instrument for measuring properties of flowing liquids |
fluorimeter | instrument for measuring fluorescence |
fluoroscope | instrument using x-rays to examine internal structure of opaque object |
focimeter | instrument for measuring focal length of a lens |
galactometer | instrument for measuring specific gravity of milk |
galvanometer | instrument for measuring electrical current |
galvanoscope | instrument for detecting presence and direction of electric current |
gasometer | instrument for holding and measuring gases |
gastroscope | instrument for examining interior of the stomach |
geothermometer | instrument for measuring subterranean temperatures |
goniometer | instrument for measuring angles between faces |
gradiometer | instrument for measuring gradient of a physical quantity |
gravimeter | instrument for measuring variations in gravitational fields |
gyrograph | instrument for counting a wheel's revolutions |
haptometer | instrument measuring sensitivity to touch |
harmonograph | instrument drawing curves representing vibrations |
harmonometer | instrument measuring harmonic relations of sounds |
helicograph | instrument for drawing spirals on a plane |
heliograph | instrument for measuring intensity of sunlight |
heliometer | instrument for measuring apparent diameter of the sun |
helioscope | instrument for observing sun without injury to the eyes |
hemacytometer | instrument for counting blood cells |
hippometer | instrument to measure height of horses |
hodoscope | instrument for tracing paths of ionizing particles |
hydrometer | instrument for measuring specific gravity of liquids |
hydroscope | instrument for viewing under water |
hydrotimeter | instrument for measuring water hardness |
hyetograph | instrument for recording rainfall |
hyetometer | instrument for measuring rainfall |
hyetometrograph | instrument for recording rainfall |
hygrograph | instrument for recording variations in atmospheric humidity |
hygrometer | instrument for measuring air moisture |
hygroscope | instrument for displaying changes in air humidity |
hypsometer | instrument for measuring height of trees through triangulation |
iconometer | instrument for finding size of object by measuring its image |
idiometer | instrument for measuring motion of observer in relation to transit of the heavens |
inclinometer | instrument for measuring inclination to the horizontal of an axis |
interferometer | instrument for analysing spectra of light |
iriscope | instrument for exhibiting the prismatic colours |
katathermometer | instrument for measuring the cooling power of air |
katharometer | instrument measuring changes in composition of gases |
keratometer | instrument for measuring curvature of the cornea |
keraunograph | instrument for recording distant thunderstorms |
kinetoscope | instrument for producing curves by combination of circular movements |
konimeter | instrument measuring amount of dust in air |
koniscope | instrument for measuring dust in air |
kymograph | instrument for recording fluid pressure |
labidometer | instrument for measuring size of the head of a fetus |
lactometer | instrument for testing relative density of milk |
lactoscope | instrument for measuring purity or richness of milk |
lanameter | instrument for measuring quality of wool |
laparoscope | instrument for viewing interior of peritoneal cavity |
laryngoscope | instrument for examining interior of the larynx |
leptometer | instrument for measuring oil viscosity |
loxodograph | device used to record ship's travels |
lucimeter | instrument for measuring light intensity |
luxmeter | instrument for measuring illumination |
lysimeter | instrument for measuring percolation of water through soil |
magnetograph | instrument for recording measurements of magnetic fields |
magnetometer | instrument for measuring intensity of magnetic fields |
manometer | instrument for measuring pressure of a liquid or gas |
marigraph | instrument for recording tide levels |
mecometer | instrument for measuring length |
megameter | instrument for determining longitude by observing stars |
megascope | instrument for projecting an enlarged image |
mekometer | range-finder |
meldometer | instrument for measuring melting points of substances |
meteorograph | instrument recording a variety of meteorological observations |
methanometer | instrument for detecting presence of methane |
microbarograph | instrument for recording minute changes in atmospheric pressure |
microcalorimeter | instrument for measuring tiny quantities of heat |
micrograph | instrument used to write on a very small scale |
micrometer | instrument for measuring very small distances |
micronometer | instrument for measuring short periods of time |
microscope | instrument for magnifying small objects |
microseismograph | instrument for recording small or distant earthquakes |
microseismometer | instrument for measuring small or distant earthquakes |
mileometer | instrument for recording distance travelled in miles |
milliammeter | instrument for recording very small electrical currents |
myograph | instrument for recording muscular contractions |
myringoscope | instrument for viewing the eardrum |
nephelometer | instrument for measuring cloudiness |
nephograph | instrument for photographing clouds |
nephoscope | instrument for observing direction and velocity of clouds |
nitrometer | instrument for measuring nitrogen and its compounds |
odograph | odometer; instrument for measuring distance travelled |
odometer | instrument for measuring distance travelled |
odontograph | instrument for obtaining curves for gear-teeth |
oenometer | instrument for measuring alcoholic strength of wine |
ohmmeter | instrument for measuring electrical resistance |
oleometer | instrument for measuring amount of oil in a substance |
olfactometer | instrument measuring intensity of odour of a substance |
ombrometer | rain-gauge |
oncometer | instrument measuring change in size of internal organs |
oncosimeter | instrument measuring variations in density of molten metal |
ondograph | instrument measuring change in wave formations of electricity |
oometer | instrument for measuring eggs |
opacimeter | instrument for measuring opacity |
opeidoscope | instrument for illustrating sound by means of light |
ophthalmometer | instrument for measuring the eye |
ophthalmoscope | instrument for viewing the interior of the eye |
opisometer | instrument for measuring curved lines |
opsiometer | instrument for testing vision |
optometer | instrument for testing vision |
orchidometer | instrument for measuring the size of the testicles |
oscillograph | instrument for recording alternating current wave forms |
oscillometer | instrument for measuring ship's rollings |
oscilloscope | instrument for detecting electrical fluctuations |
osmometer | instrument for measuring osmotic pressure |
otoscope | instrument for examining the ear |
pachymeter | instrument for measuring small thicknesses |
pallograph | instrument measuring ship's vibration |
pantochronometer | combined sundial and compass |
pantograph | instrument for copying drawing to a different scale |
passimeter | instrument for issuing automatic tickets |
pedometer | instrument for measuring distance travelled on foot |
peirameter | instrument measuring resistance of road surfaces to wheel movement |
pelvimeter | instrument for measuring the pelvis |
penetrometer | instrument for measuring firmness or consistency of substances |
permeameter | instrument for measuring permeability |
phacometer | instrument for measuring lenses |
phaometer | old instrument for measuring light intensity |
pharmacometer | instrument for measuring drugs |
pharyngoscope | instrument for inspecting the pharynx |
phonautograph | instrument for recording sound vibrations |
phonendoscope | device which amplifies small sounds |
phonometer | instrument for measuring sound levels |
phorometer | instrument used to correct abnormalities in eye muscles |
photometer | instrument for measuring light intensity |
photopolarimeter | instrument for measuring intensity and polarization of reflected light |
phototachometer | instrument for measuring the speed of light |
phototelegraph | instrument for transmitting drawings telegraphically |
phthongometer | instrument measuring intensity of vowel sounds |
piezometer | instrument for measuring pressure or compressibility |
pitchometer | instrument for measuring angles of ship's propeller blades |
planigraph | instrument for copying drawings at a different scale |
planimeter | instrument for measuring area of plane figures |
platometer | instrument for measuring area; planimeter |
plegometer | instrument for measuring the strength of a blow |
plemyrameter | instrument for measuring variations in water level |
plethysmograph | instrument for measuring change in body part size due to blood flow |
pluviograph | self-registering rain gauge |
pluviometer | rain-meter |
pneometer | instrument that measures respiration |
pneumatometer | instrument for measuring quantity of air breathed |
pneumograph | instrument for measuring and recording respiration |
polarimeter | instrument for measuring polarised light |
polariscope | instrument for detecting polarized light |
polygraph | instrument for measuring small changes in pulse and respiration |
porometer | instrument for measuring degree of porosity |
poroscope | instrument for investigating porosity |
potentiometer | instrument for measuring electromotive forces |
potometer | instrument measuring rate at which plants absorb water |
prisoptometer | instrument for measuring degree of astigmatism |
proctoscope | instrument for examining the rectum |
psophometer | instrument measuring audible interference of electrical current |
psychograph | instrument that supposedly records spirit messages |
psychrometer | instrument for measuring air moisture or temperature |
psychrometer | instrument for measuring dryness of the atmosphere |
pulsimeter | instrument for measuring the pulse |
pycnometer | instrument for measuring specific gravity or density |
pyknometer | instrument for measuring specific gravities |
pyranometer | instrument measuring solar radiation from the sky's whole hemisphere |
pyrgeometer | instrument for measuring radiation from earth |
pyrheliometer | instrument for measuring heating effect of sun |
pyrometer | instrument for measuring very high temperatures |
pyroscope | instrument for measuring intensity of radiant heat |
qualimeter | apparatus for measuring penetrating power of X-ray beams |
quantimeter | apparatus for measuring quantity of X-rays |
quantometer | instrument for measuring proportions of elements in metallic samples |
rachiometer | instrument for measuring the spine |
radarscope | instrument for detecting radar signals |
radiogoniometer | instrument for finding direction through radio signals |
radiometeorograph | instrument for measuring atmospheric conditions at high altitude |
radiometer | instrument measuring radiation energy |
radioscope | instrument for viewing objects using X-rays |
ratemeter | instrument for measuring counting rate of electronic counters |
recipiangle | old instrument with two arms used for measuring angles |
reflectometer | instrument for measuring reflectance of radiant energy |
refractometer | instrument measuring refraction of light |
respirometer | instrument for measuring and studying respiration |
retinoscope | instrument for measuring and viewing the retina |
rheometer | instrument that measures current |
rhinoscope | instrument for examining the nose |
rhythmometer | instrument for measuring speed of rhythms |
riometer | instrument for measuring absorbed cosmic radio waves |
rotameter | old instrument for measuring length of curved lines |
rotameter | instrument consisting of glass tube with free float for measuring liquid flow |
saccharimeter | instrument for measuring amount of sugar in a solution |
salinometer | instrument for measuring amount of salt in a solution |
scintillometer | instrument measuring scintillation of star |
scintilloscope | instrument for measuring gamma rays emitted by a radioactive body |
sclerometer | instrument measuring hardness |
scoliometer | instrument measuring curvature |
scotograph | instrument for writing without seeing |
scotoscope | instrument for detecting objects in darkness |
seismograph | instrument for recording earthquakes |
seismometer | instrument for measuring earthquake intensity |
seismoscope | instrument for detecting earthquakes |
selenoscope | instrument for viewing the moon |
sensitometer | instrument for measuring sensitivity of photographic material |
sepometer | instrument for measuring septic matter in the air |
serimeter | instrument for testing quality of silk |
shuftiscope | instrument used to explore interior of dysentery case |
siccimeter | instrument for measuring liquid evaporation |
sideroscope | instrument using magnets to detect presence of iron |
sigmoidoscope | instrument for examining the interior of the rectum and sigmoid colon |
sillometer | instrument measuring speed of ship |
skiascope | instrument for measuring eye's refraction from movement of shadows |
snooperscope | instrument for viewing infrared radiation |
solarimeter | instrument for measuring solar radiation |
sonograph | instrument for recording and analysing sound |
spectrofluorimeter | instrument for measuring and recording fluorescence spectra |
spectrograph | instrument for viewing a spectrum |
spectroheliograph | instrument for taking pictures of the sun |
spectroheliokinematograph | camera for taking pictures of the sun |
spectrohelioscope | instrument for viewing solar disc in light of a single wavelength |
spectrometer | instrument measuring wavelengths of light of a spectrum |
spectrophotometer | instrument for measuring speed of different parts of light spectrum |
spectroscope | instrument for forming spectra by dispersing rays of light |
speedometer | instrument for measuring velocity |
spherometer | instrument measuring curvature |
sphygmograph | instrument for recording pulse |
sphygmomanometer | instrument for measuring arterial blood pressure |
sphygmometer | instrument for measuring arterial blood pressure |
sphygmoscope | instrument for making arterial pulsations visible |
spinthariscope | instrument for visually detecting alpha particles |
spirograph | instrument recording movements of breathing |
spirometer | instrument measuring lung capacity |
stactometer | pipette with hollow bulb for counting drops |
stadiometer | instrument for measuring the length of a curved line |
stagmometer | instrument for measuring number of drops in volume of liquid |
stalagmometer | instrument for measuring surface tension by drops |
statoscope | instrument for measuring small changes in atmospheric pressure |
stauroscope | instrument for studying structure of crystals with polarised light |
stenometer | instrument for measuring distances |
stereometer | instrument for measuring specific gravity |
stereoscope | instrument for viewing special three-dimensional photographs |
stethometer | instrument measuring chest expansion during breathing |
stethoscope | instrument for detecting sounds produced by the body |
strabismometer | instrument measuring degree of squinting |
strabometer | instrument for measuring strabismus in the eyes |
stroboscope | instrument for studying motion using flashes of light |
stylometer | instrument for measuring columns |
swingometer | instrument for measuring swing in votes during an election |
sympiesometer | instrument for measuring pressure of a current |
synchroscope | instrument for detecting whether two moving parts are synchronized |
tacheometer | instrument for rapidly measuring survey points on a map |
tachistoscope | instrument for rapidly showing images on a screen to test perception |
tachograph | instrument for recording speed of rotation |
tachometer | instrument for measuring speed of rotation |
taseometer | instrument for measuring stress in a structure |
tasimeter | instrument for measuring changes in pressure |
taximeter | instrument for measuring fee for hired vehicle |
telemeter | instrument for measuring strain or distance from observer |
telescope | instrument for viewing objects at great distances |
telespectroscope | instrument for analysing radiation omitted by distant bodies |
telestereoscope | instrument for viewing distant objects stereoscopically |
tellurometer | instrument using microwaves to measure distance |
tenderometer | instrument for measuring tenderness of fruits and vegetables |
tensimeter | instrument for measuring vapour pressure |
tensiometer | instrument for measuring tension |
thalassometer | instrument for measuring tides |
thermograph | instrument for recording changes in temperature |
thermometer | instrument for measuring temperature |
thermometrograph | instrument for recording changes in temperature |
thermoscope | instrument indicating change in temperature |
thoracoscope | instrument for viewing the thorax and chest wall |
tiltmeter | instrument for measuring tilting of earth's surface |
tocodynamometer | instrument for measuring uterine contractions during childbirth |
tomograph | instrument for viewing section of an object using X-rays |
tonometer | instrument measuring pitch of musical tones |
topophone | instrument to determine direction and distance of a fog-horn |
torsiograph | instrument for recording torsional vibrations on an object |
transmissometer | instrument for measuring transmission of light through a fluid |
trechometer | instrument for determining distance travelled; odometer |
tremograph | instrument for recording involuntary muscular motion |
tribometer | instrument measuring friction |
trigonometer | instrument for solving triangles |
trocheameter | instrument counting wheel's revolutions |
tromometer | instrument for measuring slight earthquake shocks |
tropometer | instrument measuring rotation |
turbidimeter | instrument for measuring turbidity of liquids |
turgometer | instrument for measuring turgidity |
typhlograph | instrument to help the blind write clearly |
udometer | instrument for measuring rainfall |
ultramicroscope | instrument for viewing extremely small objects |
urethroscope | instrument for viewing the interior of the urethra |
urinometer | instrument for measuring specific gravity of urine |
vaporimeter | instrument for measuring vapour pressure |
variometer | instrument for measuring magnetic declination |
velocimeter | instrument for measuring velocity |
velometer | instrument for measuring speed of air |
viameter | instrument for measuring revolutions of a wheel |
vibrograph | instrument for recording vibrations |
vibrometer | instrument for measuring vibrations |
viscometer | instrument for measuring viscosity |
visometer | instrument for measuring focal length of the eye |
voltameter | instrument for measuring electrical current indirectly |
voltmeter | instrument for measuring electrical potential |
volumenometer | instrument for measuring volume of a solid |
volumeter | instrument for measuring volume of a liquid or gas |
wattmeter | instrument for measuring electrical power |
wavemeter | instrument for measuring wavelengths |
weatherometer | instrument for measuring weather-resisting properties of paint |
xanthometer | instrument for measuring colour of sea or lake water |
xylometer | instrument measuring specific gravity of wood |
zymometer | instrument for measuring fermentation |
zymosimeter | instrument for measuring fermentation |

Rhetorical Devices
acatalectic | having complete or full number of syllables in a poetic line |
accismus | in rhetoric, pretending to refuse something |
adynaton | rhetorical use of a nearly impossible situation for emphasis |
agnomination | rhetorical use of similar-sounding words for effect |
alogism | illogical statement |
anacoenosis | rhetorical questioning of hearers or opponents for opinions on a matter |
anacoluthon | moving to new topic of discussion before finishing current one |
anadiplosis | repeating last word of clause at beginning of next clause |
analepsis | repetition of a word or phrase for emphasis; pleonasm |
anaphora | repetition of a word at beginning of successive phrases for emphasis |
anastrophe | reversing or inverting word order as rhetorical device |
antanaclasis | repetition of key word of phrase as a play on words |
anthorism | counter-definition; redefinition of opponent's term for rhetorical effect |
anthypophora | refuting an objection using a contrary inference |
anticlimax | expression whose last part is decreased in effect from the prior part |
antimetabole | figure in which words or phrases are repeated but in inverse order |
antimetathesis | inversion of the parts of an antithesis |
antiphrasis | use of words in a sense opposite to literal |
antistrophe | repetition of words in reverse order |
antistrophon | turning of opponent's own argument against them |
antithesis | contrast of ideas by means of parallel arrangement of words or clauses |
antonomasia | use of descriptive phrase or epithet instead of proper name |
aparithmesis | rhetorical answer to a proposition |
apodosis | main concluding clause in a conditional sentence |
apophasis | saying something by stating that you will not mention it |
aposiopesis | suddenly stopping in the middle of a speech for emphasis |
apostrophe | addressing of a personified thing rhetorically |
asteism | refined irony |
asyndeton | rhetorical device of omitting conjunctions |
atticism | expression characterized by conciseness and elegance |
auxesis | increase in size; hyperbole or augmentation of meaning |
bathos | appearance of the commonplace in elevated matter for rhetorical effect |
catastasis | introductory part of speech where narrator introduces subject |
chiasmus | contrast by parallelism in reverse order |
climax | gradual increase in force of rhetorical expressions or drama of a performance |
consecution | logical sequence or progression of an argument |
diacope | rhetorical separation of a compound word by a third word; tmesis |
diallage | device in which many arguments brought upon one point |
diallelus | circular argument |
dialogism | rhetorical discussion in form of an imaginary dialogue |
diaporesis | rhetorical expression of uncertainty of which of two options to adopt |
diasyrm | rhetorical device of condemning through faint praise |
diatyposis | rhetorically vivid and clear description of a subject |
dicaeology | defending oneself in argument by claiming justification |
dilemma | in rhetoric, forcing a choice between two equally unfavourable choices |
dilogy | intentional ambiguousness |
dinumeration | numbering of rhetorical points one by one |
ecbole | digression |
echolalia | echo-like repetition of another's words |
echopraxia | echo-like repetition of another's actions |
ecphasis | explicit declaration or interpretation |
ecphonesis | rhetorical exclamation |
ecphrasis | plain interpretation of a thing |
ekphrasis | description of a work of art as rhetorical exercise |
enantiosis | ironic expression of idea by refuting its contrary |
enthymeme | rhetorical suppression or omission of a premise |
epanadiplosis | sentence which begins and ends with same word |
epanalepsis | repetition |
epanaphora | repetition of same word at beginning of multiple phrases or sentences |
epanastrophe | device where end of one sentence is repeated as beginning of next |
epanodos | recapitulation of chief points in a discourse after digression |
epanorthosis | retraction of statement in order to intensify it |
epexegesis | addition of words to make the sense more clear |
epibole | device of beginning several clauses with same word |
epilogue | rhetorical conclusion or summary |
epiphonema | exclamation, finishing phrase or reflection |
epiphora | rhetorical repetition of a word at the end of several sentences |
epiplexis | persuasion through stylized but severe criticism of opponent |
epiploce | use of multiple entwined points in succession in an argument |
epistrophe | ending of successive clauses with the same word |
epitrope | rhetorical but ironic granting of permission to an opponent to do something |
epizeuxis | immediate repetition of a word for emphasis |
erotesis | rhetorical questioning |
ethopoeia | delineation of the character of someone or something |
euphemism | rhetorical use of a pleasant or favourable form in place of a harsh one |
exergasia | remaining on one point of argument while gradually fleshing it out |
gemination | doubling of a consonant sound; in rhetoric, repetition of a word or phrase |
hendiadys | expression of adjective and noun as two adjectives |
heterosis | use of one form of a noun or pronoun in place of another for rhetorical effect |
homeoteleuton | the use or occurrence of similar word endings |
homoeoptoton | use of series of words sharing the same verb or noun inflections |
hypallage | figure in which relations between words are changed |
hyperbaton | rhetorical device in which word order is reversed |
hyperbole | impression by extravagant exaggeration |
hypercatalectic | having an extra syllable on the end of a line of verse |
hypobole | anticipating and refuting objections to an argument |
hypophora | statement of an opponent's probable but as yet unstated objection |
hypostrophe | return to primary argument after digression |
hypotyposis | vivid description of a scene |
hysteron proteron | in rhetoric, putting first what normally comes last |
ischiorrhogic | of an iambic line, having spondees in the second, fourth or sixth place |
lemma | preliminary proposition, theme, argument or headword |
litotes | understatement by affirming using negation of the contrary |
macrology | much talk with little to say; redundancy; pleonasm |
meiosis | understatement of size or importance for rhetorical effect |
merism | rhetorical device of contrasting two parts of a whole |
mesozeugma | placement of a word referring to two different clauses between them |
metabasis | transition; transfer; in rhetoric, movement from one topic to another |
metalepsis | metonymy of a double or indirect kind |
metaphor | figurative transfer of qualities from one object or event to another |
metaphrase | turning of prose into verse or vice versa |
metastasis | removal from one place to another; rapid transition in argument |
metonymy | figurative use of word to name an attribute of its subject |
mimesis | rhetorical imitation of another's words or mannerisms |
mycterism | sneering; rhetorical sarcasm or irony |
noema | stating something obscurely, forcing listeners to work it out |
oxymoron | figure of speech combining contradictory terms |
palillogy | repetition of a word or word or phrase |
parabola | rhetorical use of simile or metaphor |
paradiastole | description of an unfavourable quality through a favourable synonym |
paradigma | rhetorical comparison by resemblance to another thing |
paraenesis | rhetorical expression of advice or warning |
paragram | play on words in which letters are changed |
paralipsis | fixing attention on subject by pretending to neglect it |
paranomasia | rhetorical art of punning |
parathesis | apposition; compounding of words without change |
parecbasis | rhetorical digression or deviation from expected topic |
paregmenon | repetition of a word or its cognates in a series of words |
parembole | insertion of something related to the subject into a phrase |
paremptosis | insertion of something related to the subject into a phrase |
parison | even balance of elements in a sentence |
paroemia | proverb or adage used in argumentation |
paromoion | starting statement with several words starting with the same letter |
paromologia | partial admission of opponent's argument to strengthen one's final position |
parrhesia | asking forgiveness in advance for frank or bold speech |
pathopoeia | excitation of passion by rhetoric or poetry |
periergia | use of elevated style to discuss a trivial matter |
periphrasis | circumlocution; round-about expression |
perissology | verbiage; pleonasm |
pleonasm | redundancy; use of more words than necessary |
ploce | repetition of word in more expressive sense for emphasis |
polyptoton | repetition of word in same sentence with multiple inflectional endings |
polysyndeton | rhetorical device of repeating conjunction for emphasis |
preterition | passing over or omission; drawing attention to a thing by claiming to omit it |
procatalepsis | anticipating and answering an opponent's objections |
prolepsis | anticipation; device where objections are anticipated |
pronomination | description of a thing by its qualities rather than its proper name |
prosopopoeia | personification; representation of absent person as speaking |
protasis | first clause in a conditional expression; introductory part of a play |
prothysteron | putting last what normally comes first in an expression or argument |
protozeugma | zeugma in which word referring to two clauses is placed before both of them |
schesis | deriding opponent's argument by referring to his way of thought |
simile | comparison of two things |
sorites | string of statements where end of one is subject of next |
superjection | exaggeration; hyperbole |
syllepsis | figure where word related to two others differently |
syllogism | argument in which two premises lead to a logical conclusion |
symploce | repetition of word at start of one and end of next clause |
synchoresis | concession made for the sake of more effective retort |
synchysis | confusion of meaning due to unusual arrangement |
syncrisis | comparison of diverse or contradictory things |
syndeton | phrase whose parts are joined by a conjunction |
synecdoche | part used to refer to whole or vice versa |
synoeciosis | rhetorical figure of coupling opposites |
tapinosis | use of degrading or diminutive diction regarding a topic |
tmesis | separation of word into parts by an intervening word |
trope | any figure of speech; figurative language |
tuism | apostrophe; reference to or regard to a second person |
zeugma | use of a word to modify two or more words in different ways |

Contour lines
isabnormal | line connecting points of equal deviation from mean temperature |
isacoustic | line connecting points of equal acoustic quality |
isallobar | line connecting points of equal change in barometric pressure |
iseidomal | line connecting points of equal visibility of a spectacle |
isentropic | line connecting points of equal entropy |
isobar | line connecting points of same atmospheric pressure |
isobase | line connecting points of equal land upheaval |
isobath | line connecting points of equal underwater depth |
isobathytherm | line connecting points of equal temperature and depth underground |
isobront | line connecting points of simultaneous storm development |
isochar | line connecting points of similar distinguishing characteristics of plant life |
isochasm | line connecting points of equal frequency of aurorae |
isocheim | line connecting points of same average winter temperature |
isochlor | line connecting points of equal chlorine concentration |
isochor | line connecting points of varying conditions under constant volume |
isochrone | line connecting points of equal time difference or simultaneous occurrence |
isoclinal | line connecting points of same magnetic dip |
isocryme | line connecting points of equal winter temperature |
isodose | line connecting points that receive equal doses of radiation |
isodrosotherm | line connecting points of equal dew point |
isodynamic | line connecting points of equal magnetic intensity |
isoflor | line connecting points of equal number of plant species |
isogam | line connecting points of equal acceleration due to gravity |
isogen | line connecting points of equal birthrates |
isogeotherm | line connecting points of equal subterranean temperature |
isogloss | line connecting points of similar regional dialect |
isogon | line connecting points of same specified angle or same wind direction |
isogonal | line connecting points of equal magnetic declination |
isograd | line connecting points of similar conditions during geological metamorphism |
isogram | line connecting points on a map having some similar feature |
isograph | line connecting points of same linguistic usage in some respect |
isohaline | line connecting points of equal salinity |
isohalsine | line connecting points of equal ocean salinity |
isohel | line connecting points of equal sunlight |
isohyet | line connecting points of equal rainfall |
isokeraunic | line connecting points of equal occurrence of thunderstorms |
isolex | line connecting points of same vocabulary usage |
isoline | line connecting points on a map having some similar feature |
isomagnetic | line connecting points of equal magnetic induction |
isometric | line connecting points of equal variations of pressure |
isomorph | line connecting points of same linguistic morphological forms |
isonephelic | line connecting points of equal cloud cover |
isopach | line connecting points of equal thickness of geological strata |
isophene | line connecting points of the same phenotype or seasonal variation |
isophote | line connecting points of equal light intensity from a given source |
isopiestic | line connecting points of equal pressure but varying temperature and volume |
isopiptesis | line connecting points of same arrival date of migratory species |
isopleth | line connecting points of equal aspect of climate |
isopor | line connecting points of equal annual change in magnetic field |
isopycnic | line connecting points of equal density |
isorithm | line connecting points of equal population density |
isoseismal | line connecting points of same earthquake intensity |
isostere | line connecting points of equal specific volume of a substance |
isotac | line joining points where the ice melts at the same time of year |
isotach | line connecting points of the same wind speed |
isothere | line connecting points of equal summer temperature |
isotherm | line connecting points of equal temperature |
isothermobath | line connecting points of equal temperature at a given ocean depth |
isotherombrose | line connecting points of equal ratio of summer rainfall to annual rainfall |
isovol | line connecting points of equal ratio of fixed to volatile carbon in coal |

Dance styles
allemande | courtly baroque dance in which the arms are interlaced |
beguine | vigorous Caribbean dance |
bergamask | country dance |
bolero | Spanish dance with sudden pauses and sharp turns |
bossa-nova | Brazilian dance similar to samba |
boston | waltz-like dance |
bourrée | French baroque dance with quick rhythm |
bransle | an old French follow-the-leader dance |
buck-and-wing | solo tap dance with many leg flings and leaps |
cabriole | curved furniture leg ending in a ball; exuberant dance or caper |
cakewalk | prancing stage dance with backward tilt |
canary | lively Renaissance courtly dance |
cancan | French woman's dance involving high kicks while holding up front of skirt |
carioca | variation of the samba |
cha-cha | fast rhythmic ballroom dance |
chaconne | Spanish baroque dance in triple time |
Charleston | fast-paced 1920s dance characterized by energetic kicking |
cinque-pace | lively medieval dance with five steps |
conga | Afro-Congan dance performed by a group in a single line |
contredanse | folk dance in which two lines of couples face each other |
cotillion | elaborate ballroom dance with frequent changes of partner |
courante | quick Italian baroque dance involving running steps |
czardas | Hungarian dance that increases in speed |
doppio | double meter Renaissance dance step |
ductia | vigorous stamping dance |
dump | obsolete English dance in 4/4 time |
estampie | vigorous rhythmic Provençal stamping dance |
fandango | lively Spanish dance performed by a couple |
farandole | lively Provençal dance in which men and women hold hands |
farruca | Spanish gypsy dance with sudden tempo and mood changes |
flamenco | vigorous rhythmic dance originating with Gypsies |
fox-trot | slow and complex ballroom dance |
galliard | sprightly Renaissance and Baroque dance |
galop | lively double-time dance |
gavotte | moderate tempo French peasant dance |
gigue | lively Baroque dance in triple time |
habanera | slow and seductive Cuban dance |
hambo | Swedish folk dance in three-four time |
hora | circle dance |
hornpipe | lively British folk dance |
hula | sinuous Polynesian dance with rhythmic hip movements |
hustle | lively disco dance derived from swing elements with a plus-like pattern |
jig | springy and sprightly dance |
jitterbug | jazz dance featuring vigorous acrobatic feats |
jive | fast dance done to jazz or swing music |
jota | fast Spanish folk dance in triple time |
juba | dance with clapping and leg slapping performed by Southern blacks |
kazachoc | Slavic fast dance in which dancer squats and kicks out legs alternately |
kazatzka | Slavic folk dance performed by a couple |
ketjak | traditional Balinese dance accompanied by male chorus |
kolo | Central European folk dance having a ring of dancers |
lavolta | lively bouncy dance for two persons |
limbo | dance of the West Indies where dancers pass under horizontal pole |
lindy hop | lively dance closely resembling the jitterbug and famous for its aerials |
malaguena | Spanish dance performed by a couple, similar to the fandango |
mambo | Cuban ballroom dance resembling the rumba or cha-cha |
matachin | Spanish ritualised sword-dance or battle dance |
maxixe | Brazilian ballroom dance resembling the two-step |
mazurka | Polish folk dance in moderate triple measure |
merengue | Caribbean ballroom dance in which feet are frequently dragged |
minuet | slow and stately Baroque dance in 3/4 time |
moresco | a Moorish dance or morris-dance |
morris | vigorous English dance performed by costumed men |
one-step | ballroom dance marked by quick walking steps |
paso-doble | quick Spanish one-step dance |
passacaglia | slow solemn Italian or Spanish dance |
passepied | Breton dance resembling a quick minuet |
pavane | stately English Renaissance court dance |
polacca | stately Polish dance; polonaise |
polka | lively Bohemian dance for a couple |
polonaise | stately Polish dance of moderate tempo |
quadrille | square dance for four couples; card game for four people |
quickstep | fast march-like dance |
reel | lively dance of the Scottish Highlands |
rigadoon | lively Baroque period dance |
round | dance in a ring |
roundel | anything circular; circle; disc; ring-dance |
rumba | Cuban ballroom dance with pronounced hip movements |
salsa | fast Latin American jazz-influenced dance |
saltarello | lively Italian dance |
samba | Brazilian dance of African origin |
sarabande | stately Spanish Baroque court dance |
schottische | old polka-like round dance |
seguidilla | Spanish folk dance |
shag | dance where participants hop energetically |
shimmy | jazz dance featuring rapid shaking of the body |
shuffle | dance featuring sliding or scraping of the feet |
stomp | jazz dance featuring heavy stamping of the feet |
strathspey | reel-like Scottish dance of moderate tempo |
tango | Latin-American (orig. Argentinian) ballroom dance with long pauses |
tarantella | fast violent Italian folk dance |
tordion | Renaissance dance similar to but slower than a galliard |
tricotee | lively old dance |
twist | dance featuring many gyrations of the hips |
two-step | ballroom dance with two main steps |
varsovienne | polka-like Polish dance |
veleta | English ballroom round dance for couples |
volta | old leaping dance |
waltz | ballroom dance in 3/4 time |
zamacueca | Chilean dance where partners move around each other |
zambra | Spanish dance |
zapateado | Latin-American dance with rhythmic tapping of the feet |
ziganka | Russian country dance |
zoppetto | medieval Italian limping hop dance |
zouk | Caribbean disco dance and corresponding type of fast rhythmic music |

aardwolf | South African carnivorous fox-like quadruped |
aasvogel | South African vulture |
aberdevine | alternate name for the siskin |
accentor | songbird |
acipenser | sturgeon |
addax | spiral-horned antelope dwelling in the Sahara desert |
adjutant | enormous Indian stork |
adzebill | prehistoric flightless bird of New Zealand |
aepyornis | gigantic flightless bird of Madagascar |
agouti | tropical rabbit-sized rodent |
amberjack | spiny-finned Atlantic sport fish |
amphiuma | aquatic American salamander with two pairs of small feet |
anhinga | long-necked fish-eating tropical American bird |
anoa | small wild ox of Indonesia |
anole | arboreal American lizard with ability to change colour |
antechinus | carnivorous mouselike Australian marsupial |
argali | large-horned Asian wild sheep |
aurochs | extinct wild ox |
avocet | long-legged wading bird with upward-curving bill |
axolotl | salamander dwelling in mountainous lakes |
aye-aye | nocturnal lemur-like animal of Madagascar |
babirusa | large wild pig of Indonesia |
bandicoot | small long-nosed ratlike marsupial |
bangtail | mustang or wild horse |
banteng | wild ox of Southeast Asia |
barasingha | deer dwelling in swamps of India |
barbet | stout-billed tropical bird |
beira | pygmy antelope |
bharal | bluish-gray Himalayan goat |
binturong | civet of southeastern Asia with long prehensile tail |
biscacha | burrowing South American rodent |
bittern | small heron |
blauwbok | extinct bluish-coloured antelope of southern Africa |
blenny | small elongated marine fish |
blesbok | South African antelope with white patch on forehead |
bongo | reddish African antelope with white vertical stripes |
bontbok | South African antelope with unusual coloration |
borzoi | wolf-hound |
brach | female hunting hound |
brachet | whelp; brat; bitch hound |
brandling | striped earthworm used as fishing bait |
brocken | two-year-old stag |
bulbul | gregarious songbird |
bullock | an ox or castrated bull |
cabrilla | Atlantic sea bass |
caiman | small alligator-like reptile |
caple | a horse |
capybara | tailless aquatic rodent of South America |
caracal | long-legged nocturnal cat of African and Asian savannahs with long ears |
caracara | long-legged South American falcon |
cassowary | large flightless Melanesian bird |
chamois | goatlike antelope of mountainous regions of Europe |
chevrotain | small cloven-footed deerlike animal of southeast Asia |
chiru | straight-horned Tibetan antelope |
chital | Indian spotted deer |
chuckwalla | herbivorous desert-dwelling lizard |
civet | long-tailed catlike carnivorous mammal with musk glands |
cleg | horse-fly |
coelacanth | lobe-finned fish long thought to be extinct |
colobus | long-tailed African monkey |
colocolo | wild South American cat |
colugo | flying lemur |
conure | tropical parrot-like bird of Central and South America |
corella | cockateel |
coypu | large aquatic South American rodent |
culex | mosquito |
culver | dove or pigeon |
curlew | long-legged migratory bird with downward-curving bill |
cusk | large Atlantic fish like the cod |
dabchick | small grebe |
daw | simpleton; bird of the crow family |
degu | rat-like rodent of South America |
desman | aquatic insectivorous musk-secreting Russian rat |
dhole | wild Asian dog |
dibatag | Somali antelope with recurved horns |
dik-dik | small east African antelope |
diprotodon | gigantic prehistoric marsupial with two incisors in lower jaw |
dobbin | workhorse |
dobsonfly | soft-bodied insect with large mandibles |
douc | southern Chinese monkey |
douroucouli | small South American nocturnal monkey |
dowitcher | long-billed North American wading bird |
duarf | fictitious nineteen-toed fish of Erewhon |
dugong | aquatic herbivorous mammal like the manatee |
duiker | small African antelope |
dunnart | mouse-like marsupial with pointed snout |
earwig | a small insect; to bias; to pester with demands; to eavesdrop |
echidna | Australian toothless spined monotreme resembling a hedgehog |
eland | large heavily built African antelope |
emmet | ant |
eyas | unfledged falcon or other bird of prey |
falanouc | carnivorous mongoose-like mammal of Madagascar |
falconet | small variety of falcon |
fossa | carnivorous mongoose-like mammal of Madagascar |
francolin | type of Asian and African partridge |
froghopper | leaping and spitting insect |
galago | woolly long-tailed nocturnal lemur (bush baby) |
galah | blue-gray Australian cockatoo |
gannet | large white Atlantic seabird |
gaur | wild ox |
gayal | domesticated ox with tufted tail, native to south Asia |
gelada | long-haired Ethiopian baboon |
gemsbok | large South African antelope |
genet | spotted long-tailed carnivorous mammal like the civet |
gerenuk | long-necked antelope with large eyes |
gharial | large Indian crocodile with long snout |
goa | Tibetan gazelle with backward-curving horns |
goanna | large Australian lizard |
goral | small horned antelope living in mountainous regions of south Asia |
gowk | a cuckoo; a fool |
graphiure | African rodent with pencil-thin tail |
grayling | silver-grey freshwater fish |
grebe | diving bird resembling the loon |
grilse | salmon first returning to the river from the sea |
grison | weasel-like tropical American gray and black carnivore |
grivet | white and olive tufted African monkey |
grysbok | small speckled south African antelope |
guenon | small, slender bearded African monkey |
guereza | black and white Ethiopian tufted monkey |
guillemot | narrow-billed Atlantic auk |
gundi | desert-dwelling small rodent of northern Africa with bristles on feet |
gymnure | hairy hedgehog |
hammerkop | brown African heron with hammer-shaped crest on head |
harrier | medium-sized scenting dog for hunting hares |
havier | castrated deer |
hellbender | large flat North American aquatic salamander |
hoatzin | South American tropical bird whose young have clawed wings |
hocco | South American bird resembling a turkey |
hogget | one-year-old sheep or colt |
huemul | yellow-brown South American deer |
hutia | large Caribbean rat-like rodent |
hyrax | small rodent-like ungulate |
ibex | wild mountain goat with recurved horns |
ibis | large stork-like bird; a pale apricot colour |
ichneumon | small mongoose-like carnivorous quadruped |
iguana | large tropical New World lizard |
iiwi | bright red Hawaiian bird |
ipiti | a small antelope |
isatis | Arctic fox |
ithomiid | tropical South American butterfly |
iulus | millipede |
izard | goatlike antelope found in the Pyrenees |
jabiru | large tropical stork with massive bill |
jacana | long-toed tropical freshwater wading bird |
jade | pitiful horse; a nag |
jennet | small Spanish horse |
jerboa | nocturnal desert-dwelling jumping rodent |
jiboya | boa constrictor |
junco | North American finch |
jurel | coastal fish of southern United States |
kagu | long-legged bird of New Caledonia |
kaka | olive-brown parrot native to New Zealand |
kea | green parrot of New Zealand |
keffel | a horse; a nag |
kereru | pigeon variety of New Zealand |
kiang | wild Tibetan horse |
kine | cows |
kinkajou | carnivorous South American raccoon-like mammal |
kleenebok | small South African antelope |
klipspringer | small African antelope |
knobber | a stag in its second year |
kob | African water antelope |
kouprey | wild ox of Cambodia |
kudu | African antelope with spiralling horns |
kyloe | small long-haired cattle |
lammergeier | giant vulture-like bird of prey |
langur | long-tailed Indian monkey |
lechwe | light brown water antelope of South Africa |
leopon | crossbreed between a leopard and a lion |
leveret | a hare in its first year; a mistress |
limpkin | Caribbean crane-like bird |
linsang | white civet-like Javanese mammal |
lorikeet | brightly coloured southeast Asian parrot |
loris | large-eyed south Asian arboreal primate |
lutung | small monkey of Malaysia |
malbrouck | arboreal monkey of West Africa |
mangabey | long-tailed tropical African monkey |
markhor | reddish-grey central Asian wild goat |
meerkat | small long-tailed African ground squirrel or mongoose |
morel | dark-coloured horse; blackish colour |
muntjac | small tusked East Asian deer |
murre | white-breasted North Atlantic seabird |
nightjar | nocturnal insectivorous Old World migratory bird |
numbat | termite-eating anteater-like marsupial with white stripes |
nutria | amphibious South American rodent |
nyala | large south African antelope |
octodont | degu |
okapi | short-necked giraffe |
olm | blind aquatic cave-dwelling European salamander |
onager | Asiatic wild ass |
onocrotal | old term for the pelican |
oribi | small African antelope with vertical horns |
oropendola | tropical oriole living in long hanging nests |
oryx | large antelope of Africa and Arabia with long horns |
ouzel | blackbird; a dark-haired person |
oystercatcher | wading shorebird with reddish bill |
palfrey | riding horse, especially one for a lady |
pangolin | scaly insectivorous mammal with elongated snout |
peccary | tropical New World piglike mammal |
percheron | dappled cart horse |
petrel | long-winged seabird with hooked bill |
phalarope | migratory shorebird with lobed feet |
phoenicopter | flamingo |
pichi | small dark Argentinian armadillo |
pichiciego | small South American armadillo |
pika | rabbit-like mountain-dwelling mammal with rounded ears |
porbeagle | shark with a pointed snout |
potto | small nocturnal West African monkey |
pratincole | fork-tailed, long-winged Australian bird |
prion | small Antarctic petrel |
pudu | small Chilean deer |
puku | red Central African antelope |
quarrion | Australian parrot like the cockatiel |
quaviver | fish otherwise known as the sea-dragon or dragonet |
quawk | black-crowned night heron |
quelea | an African weaver-bird |
querquedule | pin-tail duck; a teal |
quetzal | gold and green bird with long tail feathers |
queyock | heifer |
quickhatch | wolverine |
quinnat | the king salmon |
quokka | short-tailed wallaby |
quoll | native cat-like marsupial of Australia |
raad | electric catfish |
rach | dog that hunts by scent |
ratel | honey-eating Old World badger |
reebok | small South African antelope |
reedbuck | antelope frequenting reeds |
rooibok | impala |
rooirhebok | reddish South African antelope |
rorqual | large whale with dorsal fin |
rosella | bright-coloured Australian parakeet |
saiga | migratory Russian antelope |
saki | South American monkey |
sambar | large reddish deer of southern Asia |
scanderoon | homing pigeon |
seriema | large crested Brazilian bird |
serow | Himalayan and South Asian goatlike antelope |
serval | tawny carnivorous South African catlike quadruped |
shearling | one-year-old sheep |
siamang | southeast Asian gibbon-like black ape |
siskin | small finch-like songbird |
sitatunga | medium-sized east African antelope with elongated hooves |
skink | small north African lizard |
skua | large north Atlantic gull |
solenodon | large Caribbean ratlike insectivore with long snout |
sounder | herd of pigs; young boar |
spatangoid | kind of sea-urchin |
springbok | South African antelope known for leaping |
springhare | South African jumping hare |
steenbok | small South African antelope |
stellion | lizard with starry spots |
stirk | yearling ox or cow; pasture for yearlings |
sumpter | pack horse; beast of burden |
sunbittern | brightly coloured South American bird |
suni | dwarfed southern African antelope |
tabanid | blood-sucking insect; gad-fly |
tahr | wild Asian goat with shaggy reddish coat |
takin | heavily built Himalayan goatlike ruminant |
tamandua | arboreal New World anteater with hairless tail |
tamaraw | water buffalo |
tarpan | small wild horse of southern Russia |
tayra | small South American weasel-like carnivore |
teg | a sheep in its second year; the fleece of such a sheep |
tenrec | spiny insectivorous mammal of Madagascar |
thamin | small deer with curved horns, native to southeast Asia |
thylacine | extinct doglike marsupial of Tasmania |
tinamou | ground-dwelling South American bird |
titi | small South American arboreal monkey |
topi | reddish-brown antelope of sub-Saharan Africa |
trogon | tropical bird with brilliant plumage |
tsessebe | central African antelope with lyre-shaped horns |
tuatara | spiny reptile of New Zealand with vestigial third eye |
tucutucu | rat-like burrowing South American rodent |
turaco | crested African colourful bird with long tail and red wings |
tuza | Mexican pouched rodent |
uakari | short-tailed, long-haired monkey |
uguisu | olive-plumed bush warbler |
uintathere | extinct Pleistocene hoofed herbivore |
uraster | starfish |
urial | wild central Asian sheep with reddish coat and long curved horns |
urochs | extinct wild ox or bison |
uromastix | spiky-tailed ground-dwelling lizard |
urraca | noisy South American bird |
urubu | black tropical New World vulture |
vaquita | small porpoise living in the Gulf of California |
vedalia | Australian pest-eating ladybug |
vicuna | soft-fleeced Andean ruminant |
vireo | olive-gray insectivorous American bird |
viscacha | South American burrowing rodent |
wapiti | elk |
wether | castrated ram |
whiffet | paltry person; little dog |
whitecoat | white-furred seal pup |
widgeon | freshwater duck |
wisent | extinct European bison |
woolbird | sheep |
xanthareel | yellow eel formerly used in medicinal foods |
xeme | fork-tailed gull |
xenops | a small tropical rainforest bird |
xenurine | species of armadillo |
xiphias | swordfish |
xiphosuran | horseshoe crab |
yabby | small edible freshwater crayfish |
yaffingale | green woodpecker |
yakow | animal crossbred from male yak and domestic cow |
yapok | an amphibious opossum of South America |
yeanling | lamb; kid |
yelt | a young sow |
yelting | glass-eyed snapper |
yowie | a little ewe |
zander | a variety of European perch |
zebrinny | offspring of male horse and female zebra |
zebrule | hybrid offspring of male zebra and female horse |
zebu | ox with hump and dewlap |
zemni | blind mole-rat |
zeren | light brown Mongolian gazelle |
zho | cross between a yak and a cow |
zokor | central Asian mole-like burrowing rodent |
zonure | small South African lizard |
zyzzyva | South American weevil |

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