Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Adj of relation, bearing & carrying, carriages & chariots, eclesiastical, divination, fabric

Adjectives of Relation

abbatial of, like or pertaining to abbots or an abbey
abecedarian of, like or pertaining to the order of the alphabet; rudimentary
abiectic of, like or pertaining to fir trees or fir sap
absinthial of, like or pertaining to wormwood; bitter
abyssopelagic of, like or pertaining to the depths of the ocean
acarine of, like or pertaining to ticks or mites
accipitrine of, like or pertaining to falcons and hawks
acerate of, like or resembling a needle
acolouthic of, like or pertaining to an after-image or other after-sensation
acrologic of, like or pertaining to initials
addititious of, pertaining to or resulting from addition
adenoid of, like or pertaining to or like a gland
adipic of, like or pertaining to fatty substances
aeropleustic of, like or pertaining to aerial navigation
aeruginous of, like or pertaining to copper-rust or verdigris
aestival of, like or pertaining to summer
agonistic of, like or pertaining to or being aggressive or argumentative
agravic having no gravity; pertaining to the condition of zero-gravity
agrestic of the fields; rural; unpolished
alar of, like or pertaining to the wing or shoulder
alaudine of, like or pertaining to skylarks
alcine of, like or pertaining to elks; of, like or pertaining to auks
aliphatic of, like or pertaining to fat or fats in general
alliaceous of, like or pertaining to garlic; garlicky
alopecoid of or resembling a fox
alpestrine of, like or pertaining to alpine regions
alveolate of or like a honeycomb
alvine of the belly
ampelidious of, like or pertaining to vines
amphiscian of, like or pertaining to torrid regions
amygdaloid almond-shaped; of, like or pertaining to tonsils
amyloid containing or pertaining to starch; starchy
anacardic of, like or pertaining to cashews
anaclastic refractive; of, like or pertaining to refraction
anatine of, like or pertaining to ducks
anconoid of, like or pertaining to the elbow
ancoral of, shaped like or resembling an anchor
anguine of, like or pertaining to snakes
anopheline of, like or pertaining to malarial mosquitoes
anserine of, like or pertaining to geese
apatetic of an animal's coloration or markings
apian of, like or pertaining to bees
apiarian of, like or pertaining to bees or beekeeping
apical of or at the apex
aquiline of, like or pertaining to eagles; hooked like an eagle's beak
araneidan of, like or pertaining to spiders
archididascalian of, like or pertaining to headmasters
architectonics of, like or pertaining to the arrangement of knowledge
areopagitic of, like or pertaining to tribunals or courts
arietine of, like or pertaining to rams
arval of, like or pertaining to ploughed land
asinine of, like or pertaining to asses; stupid
aularian of, like or pertaining to a hall in a university
aurantiaceous of, like or pertaining or pertaining to oranges or orange trees
auricular of, like or pertaining to the ear; spoken secretly
aval of, like or pertaining to a grandparent
avian of, like or pertaining to birds
avicular of, like or pertaining to birds
avuncular like an uncle; of, like or pertaining to uncles
baculine of, like or pertaining to the stick or cane; of, like or pertaining to flogging
banausic materialistic; merely mechanical; pertaining to workshops
basial of, like or pertaining to kissing
bathyorographical of, like or pertaining to depth underwater or elevation above sea level
bathysmal of, like or pertaining to the depths of the ocean
batrachian of, like or pertaining to frogs or toads
bdelloid of, like or pertaining to leeches
benthic of, like or pertaining to the depths of the ocean
bibitory of, like or pertaining or pertaining to drinking
binaural of, pertaining to or heard by both ears
bisontine of, like or pertaining to bison
biverbal of, like or pertaining to two words; having a double sense
blattoid of, like or pertaining to cockroaches
blennoid of or resembling mucus
blepharal of, like or pertaining to eyelids
bolar of, like or pertaining to clay
bombic of, like or pertaining to silkworms
bombycine of, like or pertaining to silk or cotton
bovine of, like or pertaining to cows
branchial of, like or pertaining to gills
brumal of, like or pertaining to winter
bubaline of, like or pertaining to buffalo or antelopes
buccal of, like or pertaining to the mouth or cheek
bucolic of, like or pertaining to the tending of cattle; rustic; rural
burgensic of, like or pertaining to a borough or its citizens
bursal of, like or pertaining to a state's revenues
buteonine of, like or pertaining to buzzards
butyric of, like or pertaining to butter
caballine of, like or pertaining to or suited to a horse
cacuminal retroflex, pertaining to a point, crown, top or peak
calycine of, like or pertaining to a cup or calyx
cameline of, like or pertaining to camels
campestral of, like or pertaining to the country; pertaining to level ground
cancellarial of, like or pertaining to a chancellor
cancrine of, like or pertaining to crabs; palindromic
canicular of, like or pertaining to the dog star
canine of, like or pertaining to dogs
cantative of, like or pertaining to singing
capitulary of, like or pertaining to a chapter of an organization
capric having a goatlike smell; of, like or pertaining to goats
caprifoliaceous of, like or pertaining to the honeysuckle plant
caprine of, like or pertaining to goats
carceral of, like or pertaining to prisons
cardinalitial of, like or pertaining to church cardinals
caricous of, like or pertaining to figs
carious of, like or pertaining to dental cavities; decayed
carneous fleshy; flesh-coloured; like or pertaining to flesh
carnificial of, like or pertaining to butchers or executioners
carpal of, like or pertaining to the wrist
castellar of, like or pertaining to a castle
castral of or belonging to the camp
catalactic of, like or pertaining to exchange
catarrhine of, like or pertaining to Old World Monkeys
catenarian of, like or pertaining to chains
catoptric of, like or pertaining to reflection or reflected light
caudal of, like or pertaining to the tail
causidical of, like or pertaining to those who plead legal cases
cenatory of, like or pertaining to supper
centrobaric of, like or pertaining to the centre of gravity
cercopithecan of, like or pertaining to long-tailed monkeys
cervine of, pertaining to or resembling deer, elk or moose
cervisial of, like or pertaining or pertaining to beer
chelonian of, like or pertaining to tortoises or turtles
chiral of, like or pertaining to the hand or handedness
cholic of, like or pertaining to bile
chorepiscopal of, like or pertaining to an early local bishop
choreutic of, like or pertaining to a chorus
chrematistic of, like or pertaining to the pursuit of wealth or to business
chrestomathic of, like or pertaining to useful knowledge
chthonian of, like or pertaining to the earth or the underworld
cibarious of, like or pertaining to food; useful for food
ciconine of, like or pertaining to storks
cinerary of, like or pertaining to ashes
clysmian of, like or pertaining to or caused by flood
cnemial of, like, or pertaining to the tibia (shin-bone)
cnidarian of, like, or pertaining to invertebrates such as jellyfish and anemones
coeliac of, like or pertaining to the abdomen
colubrine like a snake; cunning; of, like or pertaining to snakes
columbaceous of, like or pertaining to doves or pigeons
columbine of or like a dove; dove-coloured
compital of, like or pertaining to crossroads
conative of, like or pertaining to purposeful action or desire
connubial of, like or pertaining to marriage
coriaceous having a leathery appearance; consisting, of, like or pertaining to leather
corvine crow-like; of, like or pertaining to crows or ravens
cosmotellurian of, like or pertaining to both heaven and earth
costal of, like or pertaining to the ribs
cothurnal of, like or pertaining to tragedy
coticular of, like or pertaining to whetstones
creatic of, like or pertaining to flesh
credal of, like or pertaining to a creed
crenitic of, like or pertaining to mineral springs
crepuscular of, like or pertaining to twilight
cretaceous of or resembling chalk; of a whitish colour
crinal of or related to the hair
crotaline of, like or pertaining to rattlesnakes
crural of or belonging to the leg
cryptaesthetic of, like or pertaining to supranormal perception
cryptous of, like or pertaining to crypts
cuculine of, like or pertaining to cuckoos
cucurbitaceous of, like or pertaining to gourds
cupulate of, like or pertaining to a cup; cup-shaped
cutaneous of or related to the skin
cynegetic of or related to hunting
cyprinoid of, like or pertaining to carp
cypseline of, like or pertaining to swifts
decanal of, like or pertaining to a dean or deacon
decennoval of, like or pertaining to the number nineteen
decretal of, like or pertaining to a decree
delphine pertaining to the Dauphin of France
delphinine of, like or pertaining to dolphins
demegoric of, like or pertaining to demagogues or demagogic speech
demogenic of, like or pertaining to membership by citizenship rather than kinship
demotic of, like or pertaining to the common people
denary one of ten; tenfold; of, like or pertaining to group of ten
deontic of or relating to duty or obligation
deric of, like or pertaining to the skin
diaconal of, like or pertaining to a deacon
diacoustic of, like or pertaining to the refraction of sound
diadermic of, like or pertaining to the puncturing of the skin
dianoetic capable of, like or pertaining to thought
didascalic didactic; pertaining to education or teaching
didelphine of, like or pertaining to opossums
didine of, like or pertaining to dodos
diluvial of, like or pertaining to floods; especially mythical ones
dinic of, like or pertaining to vertigo or dizziness
discophoran of, like or pertaining to jellyfishes
distaff of, like or pertaining to the female branch of a family or women's work
dolabrate of, like or pertaining to axes or hatchets
domal of, like or pertaining to a house or dome
doxastic of, like or pertaining to opinion
dromic of, like or pertaining to a racecourse
drupaceous of, like or pertaining to drupes or stone-fruits
duodenary of, like or pertaining to the number twelve
eburnean of or like ivory; ivory-coloured
edacious voracious; gluttonous; pertaining to eating
edaphic of, like or pertaining to the soil
edentate toothless; without teeth; pertaining to aardvarks and sloths
elaphine of, like or belonging to a red deer; of, of, like or pertaining to red deer
elapid of, like or pertaining to cobras
eleemosynary of, like or pertaining to charity or giving alms; dependent on charity
elenctic of, like or pertaining to argument; cross-examination or refuting
elephantine of, like or pertaining to elephants
empaestic of, like or pertaining to the art of embossing
emporeutic of, like or pertaining to trade
empyreal of, like or pertaining to heaven; sublime; skyward
emunctory conveying waste; pertaining to nose-blowing
enteral of, pertaining to or within the intestine
entomical of, like or pertaining to insects
eoan of, like or pertaining to dawn
epedaphic of, like or pertaining to atmospheric conditions
epicedial of, like or pertaining to dirges or elegies
epichoric belonging or pertaining to a rural area
epistolary of, like or pertaining to letters
epithymetic of, like or pertaining to desire
epulary of, like or pertaining to banquets
equine of, like or pertaining to horses
eristic of, like or pertaining to controversy or argument
erotetic engaging in or pertaining to rhetorical questioning
estival of, like or pertaining to summer
ethmoid of or like a sieve
eupeptic of, like or pertaining to good digestion; cheerful
eusuchian of, like or pertaining to alligators and crocodiles
excrementitial of, like or pertaining to excrement
falconine of, like or pertaining to falcons or hawks
familic pertaining to a family; domestic
favonian of, like or pertaining to the west wind; mild and favourable
feline of, like or pertaining to cats
fenestral of, like or pertaining to windows
ferial of, like or pertaining to holidays
fictile capable of being moulded; of, like or pertaining to pottery
fidicinal of, like or pertaining to stringed musical instruments
figuline of, like or pertaining to earthenware
fimetic of, like or pertaining to dung
fodient of, like or pertaining to digging
foraneous of, like or pertaining to forums
forcipate of, like or pertaining to forceps
formic of, like or pertaining to ants
formicine of, like or pertaining to ants
fringillaceous of, like or pertaining to finches
fringilline of, like or pertaining to finches
frumentarious of, like or pertaining to corn
fulgural of, like or pertaining to lightning
fuliginous sooty; dusky; soot-coloured; of or pertaining to soot
fuliguline of, like or pertaining to sea ducks
fullonical of, like or pertaining or belonging to a fuller
fulmineous of, like or pertaining to thunder and lightning
funebral of, like or pertaining to a funeral
fungous of or like fungus; soft; spongy
funicular of, like or pertaining to a string or cable
furuncular of, like or pertaining to boils
gadoid of, resembling or pertaining to the cod
galactic of, like or pertaining to or obtained from milk
gallinaceous of or resembling pheasants and other domestic birds
geal of, like or pertaining or pertaining to the earth
gelastic of, like or pertaining to or provoking laughter
gemmeous of, like or pertaining to gems; like a gem
genesic of, like or pertaining to procreation or the genitals
geocyclic of, like or pertaining to the rotation and revolution of the Earth
georgic of, like or pertaining to agricultural or rustic affairs; rural; agrarian
geoselenic of, like or pertaining to both the Earth and the moon
geostrophic of, like or pertaining to deflection due to effects of Earth's rotation
gerontogenous of, like or pertaining to the Old World
gestatorial of, like or pertaining to carrying
gestic of, like or pertaining to gestures
glirine rodent-like; of, like or pertaining to rodents
glottogonic of, like or pertaining to the origins of language
glyptic of, like or pertaining to carving or gem-engraving
gnathal of, like or pertaining to the jaws
gnomic signifying general truth; pertaining to aphorisms or proverbs
goetic of, like or pertaining to black magic
grallatory of, like or pertaining to wading birds
gramineous of, like or pertaining to grass; grassy
gravimetrical of, like or pertaining to measuring by weight
gregal of, like or pertaining to a flock
gremial intimate; pertaining to the lap or bosom
gromatic of, like or pertaining to surveys or surveying
gruine of, like or pertaining to cranes or similar birds
habilatory of, like or pertaining to clothes or dressing
haemal of, like or pertaining to blood
halcyonine of, like or pertaining to kingfishers
halibiotic of, like or pertaining to the entirety of life under the sea
halieutic of, like or pertaining to fishing
halolimnic of, like or pertaining to sea creatures who spend time in fresh water
haptic of, like or pertaining to the sense of touch
hebamic of, like or pertaining to the socratic method
hebetic of, like or pertaining to puberty
hederaceous of, like or pertaining to ivy
hepatic of, like or pertaining to or acting upon the liver
hephaestic of, like or pertaining to iron-working and blacksmiths
hermeneutic of, like or pertaining to the interpretation of passages
hermetic of, like or pertaining to sorcery or alchemy
herpetoid of, like or pertaining to snakes
hesternal of, like or pertaining to yesterday
hibernal of, like or pertaining to winter
hiemal of, like or pertaining to winter
hippiatric of, like or pertaining to the treatment of horses' diseases
hippic of, like or pertaining to horses
hippoid equine; of, like or pertaining to horses
hircine goat-like; having a goatish smell; of, like or pertaining to smelly goats
hirudine of, like or pertaining to leeches
hirudinean of, like or pertaining to leeches
hirundine of, like or pertaining to swallows
histrionic of, like or pertaining to the stage or actors
hodiernal of, like or pertaining to the present day
homarine of, like or pertaining to lobsters
homiletical of, like or pertaining to homilies
horal of, like or pertaining to hours; hourly
horary of, like or pertaining to an hour; continuing for an hour; hourly
hordeaceous of, like or pertaining to barley
hortensial of, like or pertaining to gardens
hortulan of, like or pertaining to gardens
humoral of, like or pertaining to body fluid
hyaloid of, like or pertaining to glass
hydric of, like or pertaining to an abundance of moisture
hyetal rainy; of, like or pertaining to rainfall
hygeian of, like or pertaining to health; healthy
hygric of, like or pertaining to water or moisture
hylobatine of, like or pertaining to gibbons
hymeneal of, like or pertaining to marriage
hypnagogic sleep-inducing; pertaining to drowsiness or sleep
hypnoetic of, like or pertaining to unconscious logical thought
hypnopompic of, like or pertaining to period between sleep and wakefulness
hypothecary of, like or pertaining to mortgages
hystricine of, like or pertaining to porcupines
ibidine pertaining to the ibis
ichneutic of, like or pertaining to a tracker or tracking
ichthyic of, resembling or pertaining to fish
icterical of, like or pertaining to or suffering from jaundice
icterine of, like or pertaining to orioles and related birds
ictic of, pertaining to, or caused by, a blow or stroke; pertaining to metrical stress
iliac of, like or pertaining to the loins
ilicic of, like or pertaining to holly
inescatory of, like or pertaining to baiting; adapted to bait
inguinal of, like or pertaining to the groin
institorial of, like or pertaining to an agent or factor
intercrural within or pertaining to the area between the legs
interstitial of, like or pertaining to the space between things
ipecacuanhic of or relating to ipecac
iridaceous of, like, or pertaining to iris plants
iridal of or pertaining to the rainbow
iridic of, like or pertaining to the iris of the eye
ischiatic of or pertaining to the ischium or hip
islandic of or pertaining to an island
ixiodic of, like or pertaining to ticks
jecoral of, like or pertaining to the liver
jentacular of, like or pertaining to breakfast
juglandaceous of, like or pertaining to walnuts
juncaceous of, like or pertaining to rushes
jural of, like or pertaining to the law
juratory of, like or pertaining to an oath
kerygmatic of, like or pertaining to preaching the Gospel
lacertilian of, like or pertaining to lizards
lacuscular of, like or pertaining to pools
lacustrine of, like or pertaining to lakes
laic of, like or pertaining to lay people rather than clergy
lamiaceous minty; of, like or pertaining to the mint plant
laminary of, like or pertaining to thin plates or layer
lampyridine of, like or pertaining or pertaining to glow-worms or fireflies
laniary of teeth or claws designed for tearing (canine teeth)
lapidarian of, like or pertaining to stones; inscribed on stones
lardaceous of, like or pertaining to lard
larine of, like or pertaining to gulls
laroid of, like or pertaining to gulls
lavic of, like or pertaining to lava
legatine of, like or pertaining to a legate
lemurine of, like or pertaining to lemurs
leonine of, like or pertaining to lions
leonine of or like a lion; rhyming last two or three syllables in a line
leporine of, like or pertaining to the hare
lienal of, like or pertaining to the spleen
limacine of, like or pertaining to slugs
limicoline living on a shore; of, like or pertaining to wading birds
limnetic living in fresh water; pertaining to fresh water
linaceous of, like or pertaining to flax
lingual of, like or pertaining to language, speech or the tongue
littoral of, like or pertaining to the shore of a body of water
lobar of, like or pertaining to a lobe
loimic of, like or pertaining to plagues
loranthaceous of, like or pertaining to the mistletoe
lucernal of, like or pertaining to lamps
lumbricine of, like or pertaining to earthworms
lunisolar pertaining jointly to the moon and sun
lupanarian of, like or pertaining to a brothel
lupine of, like or pertaining to wolves
lupulic of, like or pertaining to hops
lutaceous of, like or pertaining to or comprised of mud
lutrine of, like or pertaining to otters
macropodine of, like or pertaining to kangaroos
magistral of, like or pertaining to a master or teacher
malar of, like or pertaining to the cheek
malvaceous of, like or pertaining to the mallow family of plants
manal of, like or pertaining to the hand
mandative of, like or pertaining to commands or leadership
mantic of, like or pertaining to divination; prophetic; divinely inspired
marmoreal of or like marble
materteral of or resembling an aunt
matinal of, like or pertaining to the morning
matrical of, like or pertaining to a womb or a matrix
matricular of, like or pertaining to a register
matriherital of, like or pertaining to inheritance along the female line
matripotestal of, like or pertaining to the power of mothers
matutinal of, like or pertaining to the morning; happening early in the day
maxillary of, like or pertaining to a jaw
medianic of, like or pertaining to spiritualists, mediums or prophets
megachiropteran of, like or pertaining to fruit bats
meleagrine of, like or pertaining to turkeys
mellaginous of, like or pertaining to or resembling honey
membral of, like or pertaining to the limbs rather than the trunk
mensal of, like or pertaining to the dinner-table; monthly
mental of, like or pertaining to the chin
meretricious of, like or pertaining to prostitution; superficially attractive but lacking value
metameric of, like or pertaining to serial division or segmentation of body
metopic of, like or pertaining to the forehead
milvine of, like or pertaining to kites and similar birds
mimetic imitative; of, like or pertaining to mimicry
miothermic of, like or pertaining to temperature conditions of the present day
mnesic of, like or pertaining to memory
molendinar of, like or pertaining to a mill or miller
molinary of, like or pertaining to mills or grinding
morassic of, like or pertaining to a morass
morganatic of, like or pertaining to a marriage between those of unequal rank
morphean of, like or pertaining to dreams
morphotic of, like or pertaining to formation or development
morsal of, like or pertaining to the cutting edge of a knife
mucopurulent of mucus and pus
mulciberian of, like or pertaining to metalworking
murine of, like or pertaining to mice and rats
musal of, like or pertaining to poetry or the Muses
muscicapine of, like or pertaining to flycatchers and related birds
muscid of, like or pertaining to house-flies
muscoid of, like or pertaining to mosses; moss-like
musteline of, like or pertaining to weasels, martens and badgers
mycteric of, like or pertaining to the nostrils
myelic of, like or pertaining to the spinal cord
myoxine of, like or pertaining to dormice
myrmecophagid of, like or pertaining to anteaters
myrmicine of, like or pertaining to ants
mystagogical of, like or pertaining to religious ritual initiation
nacreous of or resembling mother-of-pearl
narial of, like or pertaining to the nostrils
natalitial of, like or pertaining to a birthday
natricine of, like or pertaining to water-snakes
neanic of, like or pertaining to the adolescent period; young
nectareal of or like nectar
nemaline of or like a thread
nemoral of a wood or grove
neoblastic of, like or pertaining to new growth
neophrastic of, like or pertaining to neologisms
nephric of, like or pertaining to the kidneys
nepionic of, like or pertaining to the embryonic period of development
nepotal of, like or pertaining to one's nephew
neurergic of, like or pertaining to the function or action of the nerves
niccolic made of, like or pertaining to nickel
nicotian of, like or pertaining to tobacco
nidatory of, like or pertaining to nests
nimonic of alloys used in high-temperature work
nobiliary of, like or pertaining to nobility
nosocomial of, like or pertaining to a hospital
novenary of, like or pertaining to the number nine
novercal of, like or pertaining to a stepmother
noxal of, like or pertaining to wrongful injury by object or animal of another
nucal of, like or pertaining to nuts
nuchal of, like or pertaining to the nape of the neck
numinous of, like or pertaining to a deity; suffused with religious awe
nummary of, like or pertaining to coins or money
nundinal of, like or pertaining to a fair or market
nutricial of, like or pertaining to nurses
nychthemeral of, like or pertaining to a nychthemeron or 24-hour period
nymphean of, like or pertaining to a nymph
obitual of, like or pertaining to obituaries
obsidional of, like or pertaining to a siege
occipital of, like or pertaining to the back of the head
octonary of, like or pertaining to or consisting of eight things; grouped in eights
oecodomic of, like or pertaining to architecture
oenopoetic of, like or pertaining to wine-making
olamic of or belonging to a vast period or eon
oleic of, like or pertaining to or derived from oil
oleraceous of the nature of a pot-herb; for kitchen use; edible
oligodynamic of, like or pertaining to the effect of small quantities
olitory of, like or pertaining to kitchen vegetables
oneiric of, like or pertaining to dreams
onomastic of, like or pertaining to a name or signature
ontal of, like or pertaining to reality or existence
onymatic of, like or pertaining to names
ophic of, like or pertaining to serpents
ophidian of or like a snake
opisthosomal of, like or pertaining to posteriors
optimate of the nobility or aristocracy
ordalian of, like or pertaining to an ordeal
orectic of, like or pertaining to appetite or desires
ornithic of, like or pertaining to birds
orobathymetric of, like or pertaining to map showing submerged heights and sea depths
oscheal of, like or pertaining to the scrotum
oscinine of, like or pertaining to song-birds
oscular of, like or pertaining to the mouth or to kissing
osteal of, like or pertaining to, or comprised of bone
ostracean of, like or pertaining to oysters
ostraceous of, like or pertaining to oysters
otarine of, like or pertaining to seals
otic of, like or pertaining to the ear
ovibovine of, like or pertaining to musk-oxen
ovine of, like or pertaining to sheep
pabulous of, like or pertaining to nourishment
paginal of, like or pertaining to pages or pagination
palladian of, like or pertaining to wisdom or learning
palmar of, like or pertaining to the palm
palpebral of, like or pertaining to the eyelid
paludal of, like or pertaining to marshes; marshy; malarial
panary of, like or pertaining to bread; bread store
papaverous of, like or pertaining to poppies
papilionaceous of, like or pertaining to butterflies
papuliferous pimply; bearing or pertaining to pimples
parastatic of, like or pertaining to protective mimicry of animals
pardine of, like or pertaining to leopards
parietal of a wall or walls, especially anatomical walls
parine of, like or pertaining to titmouses
parthenian of, like or pertaining to virgins
pascual growing on land used for grazing; of, like or pertaining to pastures
passerine of, like or pertaining to sparrows
patibulary of, like or pertaining to the gallows
patrial of, like or pertaining to one’s native land
pavonian of, like or pertaining to peacocks
pavonine of, like or pertaining to peacocks
pectinal of a comb; comb-like
pectineal of the pubic bone
pecuniary of, like or pertaining to money; consisting of money
pedalian of, like or pertaining to the foot or to metrical feet
pedary of, like or pertaining to walking or feet
pedicular of, like or pertaining to lice
pedological of, like or pertaining to soils
pelargic of, like or pertaining to storks
pendular of, like or pertaining to a pendulum
penial of, like or pertaining to the penis
perdicine of, like or pertaining to partridges
peristeronic of, like or pertaining to pigeons
petrean of, like or pertaining to or made of rock
phacochoerine of, like or pertaining to warthogs
phallic of, pertaining to or resembling a penis
phemic of, like or pertaining to speech
phenetic of, like or pertaining to classification by phenotype
philomelian of, like or pertaining to nightingales
philoprogenitive of, like or pertaining to instinctive love for offspring
phocine of, like or pertaining to seals
phreatic of, like or pertaining to underground water supplying or wells
phrenic of or near the midriff
phthongal of, pertaining to, or consisting of a sound; vocalized
phugoid of, like or pertaining to the longitudinal stability of aircraft
picaresque of, like or pertaining or pertaining to rogues or roguish behaviour
picine of, like or pertaining to woodpeckers
piscatorial of, like or pertaining to fishing or fishers
piscine of, like or pertaining to fish
planetesimal of, like or pertaining to asteroids or similar tiny celestial bodies
plantar of, like or pertaining to the sole of the foot
plaustral of, like or pertaining to a wagon
plebeian of the common people or vulgar classes
plenilunar of, like or pertaining to the full moon
pliothermic of, like or pertaining to periods of above-average temperatures
plumeopicean of tar and feathers
poaceous of, like or pertaining or pertaining to grass
podalic of, like or pertaining to feet
poliorcectic of, like or pertaining to siegecraft or besiegement
pomaceous of, like or pertaining to or consisting of apples
popliteal of, like or pertaining to the back of the knee
poral of, like or pertaining to pores
porcine of, like or pertaining to pigs; swinish
potamic of, like or pertaining to rivers
praedial of, like or pertaining to or connected with the land or farming
prandial of, like or pertaining to dinner
prebendal of, like or pertaining to stipends issued by a church
prenarial of, like or pertaining to or in front of the nostrils
preputial of, like or pertaining to the foreskin
presidial of, like or pertaining to a garrison
Priapean of, like or pertaining to male reproductive power; phallic
pridian of, like or pertaining to yesterday
primitial of, like or pertaining to first fruits; primeval
primogenous of, like or pertaining to the earliest or first developmental stage
procephalic of, like or pertaining to the front of the head
proctal of, like or pertaining to the anus or rectum
procyonine of, like or pertaining to raccoons
proethnic of, like or pertaining to primitive races
prosodic of, like or pertaining to versification
prosopic of, like or pertaining to the face
psephitic of, like or pertaining to pebbles
psittacine of, like or pertaining to macaws, parakeets or parrots
psittacine of or like parrots
pteric of, like or pertaining to the wing or the shoulder
pteropine of, like or pertaining to flying foxes
puerperal of, like or pertaining to childbirth
pulicine of, like or pertaining to fleas
pullastrine of, like or pertaining to pigeons
pulmonic of, like or pertaining to the lungs
pygal belonging to the rump end; pertaining to the rump
pyretic of, pertaining to or for the cure of fevers
pyrrhic of, like or pertaining to the dance or to the foot
pyrrhuline of, like or pertaining to bullfinches
quadragesimal of, like or pertaining to Lent; lasting forty days
quercine of, like or pertaining to oak trees
rabic of, like or pertaining to rabies
rachidian of or concerning the spine
rameal of, like or pertaining to branches
rangiferine of, like or pertaining to or like reindeer
ranine of, like or pertaining to or like frogs
ranunculaceous of, like or pertaining to buttercups
raptorial predacious; of, like or pertaining to a bird of prey
ratite of, like or pertaining to flightless birds
reginal of, like or pertaining to a queen
regnal of a reign
renal of, like or pertaining to the kidneys
reptilian of, like or pertaining to reptiles
retiary of nets; using nets as a weapon; catching insects in webs
reticular of, like or pertaining to nets; intricate
rhematic of words or verbs; forming a word or words
rhinal of, like or pertaining to the nose
rhinocerotic of, like or pertaining to the rhinoceros
rhizic of the root of an equation
rhonchial of, like or pertaining to snoring
rictal of the gape; of the corner of the mouth
riparian of or inhabiting a riverbank; a riverside inhabitant
risible laughable
risorial of, like or pertaining to or causing laughter
roseaceous of the rose family; roselike
rupicaprine of, like or pertaining to chamoises
sacerdotal priestly; pertaining to priestly interests
sanguineous bloody; of, like or pertaining to blood; blood-red
saporine of, like or pertaining to the sense of taste
sarcous of flesh or muscle
sartorial of, like or pertaining to a tailor or tailored clothes
scabious of, like or pertaining to scabies or scabs
scacchic of, like or pertaining to chess
scarabaean of, like or pertaining to scarabs
schiztic of, like or pertaining to or marked by splitting
schoenabatic of, like or pertaining to rope walking
sciatheric of, like or pertaining to measurement of time by shadows
sciatic of, like or pertaining to the hip
scincoid of or resembling a skink
scioptic of, like or pertaining to formation of images in darkrooms
sciurine of, like or pertaining to squirrels
sciuroid of, like or pertaining to squirrels or chipmunks
scolopacine of, like or pertaining to snipes
scorbutic of or suffering from scurvy
scriptory by, in or pertaining to writing
scutal of, like or pertaining to shields
scytodepsic of, like or pertaining to tanning leather
sebaceous of or like tallow
selachian of, like or pertaining to sharks or rays
selenic of, like or pertaining to the moon
semic of, like or pertaining to a sign or signs
septentrional northern; of, like or pertaining to the north
septimal of, like or pertaining to or based on the number seven
seral of, like or pertaining to the development of ecological communities
serous of, like or pertaining to serum; watery
serpentine of, like or pertaining to serpents or snakes
shrieval of, like or pertaining to a sheriff
sialic of, like or pertaining to saliva
sidereal of, like or pertaining to the stars
sigillary of, like or pertaining to a seal
simian of, like or pertaining to apes
sinal of, like or pertaining to the sinuses
siphonic of, like or pertaining to a siphon
skelic of, like or pertaining to the skeleton
soliterraneous of, like or pertaining to the joint effect of the sun and earth
somnial of, like or pertaining to dreams
sophianic of, like or pertaining to wisdom
soricine of, like or pertaining to shrews
soricine shrewlike; of, like or pertaining to shrews
sororal of, like or pertaining to sisters
soterial of, like or pertaining to salvation
spatiotemporal of, like or pertaining to time and space
speluncar of, like or pertaining to caves
spermatic of, like or pertaining to sperm
sphecoid wasp-like
sphingal of, like or pertaining to sphinxes
sphragistic of, like or pertaining to seals and signets
sphygmic of, like or pertaining to the pulse or heartbeat
spintrian of, like or pertaining to orgies or male sexual deviance
splenic of, like or pertaining to the spleen
squaloid of, like or pertaining to sharks
stadial of, like or pertaining to a stage
statuary of, pertaining to or suitable for sculpture
stercoraceous of, like or pertaining to feces
steric of, like or pertaining to the organization of atoms in a molecule
sterquilinian of, like or pertaining to a dunghill
stibial of, like or pertaining to antimony
stochastic of, like or pertaining to a sequence of random events
stradometrical of, like or pertaining to the measurement of streets and roads
stratonic of an army or armies
strigine owl-like; of, like or pertaining to owls
struthious of, like or pertaining to ostriches
stylogalmaic of, like or pertaining to figures serving as columns or pillars
suberic of or pertaining to cork
suberous of, like or having the appearance of cork; pertaining to cork
suburbicarian of, like or pertaining to suburbs
succinic of, pertaining to or derived from amber
suidian of, like or pertaining to pigs
suilline of, like or pertaining to hogs
suilline like a pig; of, like or pertaining to pigs
sulcal of a sulcus; grooved; furrowed
sulphorous of, like or pertaining to hellfire; infernal; blasphemous
sumptuary of, like or pertaining to expense or extravagance
superciliary of, on or near the eyebrow
sural of, like or pertaining to the calf of the leg
surficial of, like or pertaining to the surface of the earth
surnominal of, like or pertaining to surnames
sutorian of, like or pertaining to cobbling or sewing
sybotic of, like or pertaining to a swineherd
sylvestral of, like or pertaining to trees
synodical of, like or pertaining to conjunction
syringadenous of, like or pertaining to sweat glands
syrtic of, like or pertaining to quicksand
tabernacular of, like or pertaining to a tabernacle
tactual of, like or pertaining to or derived from the sense of touch
talaric of, like or pertaining to or reaching the ankles
taurean of, like or pertaining to a bull
taurine of, like or pertaining to bulls
taxaceous of, like or pertaining to yew trees
technolithic of, like or pertaining to stone tools
tectonic of, like or pertaining to building; structural
tegmental of, like or pertaining to coverings or outer shells
tegular of, like or overlapping like tiles or slates
telestic of, like or pertaining to the mysteries
tellural of, like or pertaining to the earth
telodynamic of, like or pertaining to transmission of power to a distance
tergal of, like or pertaining to the back
terpsichorean of, like or pertaining to dancing
terraneous of, like or pertaining to the earth
terrene of the earth; earthly; worldly; mundane
tesserarian of, like or pertaining to dice games
testaceous of or having a hard shell; brick-red
testudinal of, like or pertaining to tortoises or tortoise-shell
textorial of, like or pertaining to weaving
textrine of, like or pertaining to weaving
thelematic of, like or pertaining to will or volition; voluntary
theriacal of, like or pertaining to antidotes
thermic of, like or pertaining to heat
thermonous of, like or pertaining to stimulation by heat
theroid of, like or pertaining to a beast or wild animal
thesaurarial of or pertaining to the office of a treasurer
thesial of, like or pertaining to a thesis
thionic of, like or pertaining to or containing sulphur
threptic of, like or pertaining to the rearing of young
thronal of, like or pertaining to a throne
tigrine of, like or pertaining to tigers
tinctorial of, like or pertaining to dyeing; giving colour
tolypeutine of, like or pertaining to armadillos
tonetic of, like or pertaining to tonal pronunciation or languages
tonsorial of, like or pertaining to a barber or a barber’s work
toponomastic of, like or pertaining to place names
torrentine of, like or pertaining to a torrent; having the character of a torrent
toxophilite lover of archery; an archer; of, like or pertaining to archery
tribunitial of, like or pertaining to a tribune
tributorian of, like or pertaining to tribute or payment
tringoid of, like or pertaining to sandpipers
trochilic of, like or pertaining to rotatory motion
trochilidine of, like or pertaining to hummingbirds
trochiline of, like or pertaining to hummingbirds
troglodytine of, like or pertaining to wrens
truttaceous of, like or pertaining to trout
turdine of, like or pertaining to thrushes
turdine of, like or pertaining to thrushes
turrical of, like or pertaining to a tower or turret; like a turret
tussicular of, like or pertaining to coughs
typographia matter pertaining to printing or printers
tyroid resembling cheese; cheesy
uletic of, like or pertaining to the gums
ulmaceous of or like elms
umbilical of, like or pertaining to the navel; related on the mother's side
uncial of, like or pertaining to an inch or an ounce
ungual of a claw, hoof, or talon; clawed
unguentary of, like or pertaining to unguents; one who makes or sells unguents
uranic of the palate
uretic of, like or pertaining to urine
ursine of, like or pertaining to bears
urticaceous of, like or pertaining to nettles
uxorial of, like or pertaining to a wife
vaccine of, like or pertaining to cows; preparation conferring immunity to disease
vadose of, like or pertaining to underground water above the water table
valetudinarian of, like or pertaining to ill-health; anxious about health
vapulatory of, like or pertaining to flogging
varietal of, like or pertaining to a variety
vascular of, like or pertaining to fluid-carrying vessels
vectigal of, like or pertaining to the paying of tribute or rent
velamentous of, like or pertaining to or like a membrane or sail
venatic of, like or pertaining to hunting
venous of, like or pertaining to veins
ventral of, like or pertaining to the underside or the belly
vermicular of, like or pertaining to worms
vernal of, like or pertaining to spring
versicular of or in verse
vertiginous of, like or pertaining to vertigo; dizzy; giddy
vesical of, like or pertaining to the bladder
vespal of, like or pertaining to wasps
vespertinal of, like or pertaining to the evening
vespine of, like or pertaining to hornets or wasps
vestiary robing-room; cloakroom; of, like or pertaining to clothes
vexillary standard-bearer; pertaining to regimental colours or flags
viatical of, like or pertaining to roads or travel
vibronic of or caused by electronic vibration
vicarial of, like or pertaining to a vicar or delegate
villar of, like or pertaining to a manor or village
villatic rural; of, like or pertaining to a villa
vinal of or due to wine
vindemial of, like or pertaining to the vintage
vineatic of, like or pertaining to vines
vinous like wine; pertaining to wine; wine-coloured
viperine of, like or pertaining to vipers
viperous of, like, or pertaining to vipers; treacherous; venomous
visceral of the organs of the body
visile of, like or pertaining to sight; learning easily by sight
visive of, like or pertaining to sight; visual; able to see or be seen
vitular of, like or pertaining to a calf or to calving
vituline of, like or pertaining to calves or veal
viverrine of, like or pertaining to civets and mongoose
viverrine of, like or pertaining to the civet
vocabularian of, like or pertaining to vocabulary
vocicultural of, like or pertaining to voice training
volar of, like or pertaining to the palm or the sole; of, like or pertaining to flight
volitive of, like or pertaining to the will
volucrine of, like or pertaining to birds; bird-like
voluminal of, like or pertaining to volume or cubic capacity
voraginous of, like or pertaining to a whirlpool; voracious
vortical of, like or pertaining to a vortex; whirling
vulpecular of, like or pertaining to a young fox
vulpine of, like or pertaining to foxes; cunning
vulturine rapacious; of, like or pertaining to a vulture
vulvar of, like or pertaining to or resembling the vulva
xilinous of, like or pertaining to cotton
xylary of, like or pertaining to xylem
yogic of or pertaining to yoga
zebrine of, like or pertaining to zebras
zibeline of, like or pertaining to the sable
zincic of, pertaining to or containing zinc
zirconic of or pertaining to zirconium
zoic of, like or pertaining to animals; containing evidence of life
zonal of or like a zone; arranged in zones
zonarious of or pertaining to a girdle or purse
zonary of or like a zone; arranged in zones
zoochorous of seeds or spores spread by animals
zoonic of, like or pertaining to or derived from animals
zygal formed like the letter H; of, like or pertaining to a yoke or union
zymic of, like or pertaining to fermentation
zymotic of, like or pertaining to fermentation

Bearing and Carrying
aligerous winged
aluminiferous bearing aluminum
antenniferous bearing antennae
argentiferous bearing silver
armigerous entitled to bear arms
arundiferous bearing or producing reeds
auriferous bearing gold
bacciferous bearing berries
balaniferous acorn-bearing
barbigerous bearded; bearing a beard
belliferous bringing war
brachiferous bearing or having branches or arms
branchiferous having or bearing gills
bulbiferous bearing bulbs
byssiferous having tufts or threads
calcariferous having or bearing spurs
calciferous bearing lime
carboniferous bearing carbon
carniferous bearing flesh; fleshy
celliferous bearing cells
celluliferous bearing little cells
ceriferous producing wax
ceruminiferous bearing or yielding ear wax
chaetiferous bearing bristles; bristly
cheliferous bearing pincers or claws
chyliferous bearing chyle
chymiferous bearing chyme
clavigerous club-bearing
clavigerous keeping keys
cobaltiferous bearing cobalt
cocciferous bearing or yielding berries
conchiferous bearing a shell
conchyliferous bearing a shell
coniferous bearing cones
coralliferous bearing coral
cornigerous horned
crinigerous hairy
cruciferous bearing a cross
culmiferous bearing coal-dust
cupriferous bearing copper
cupuliferous bearing cupules
dentigerous toothed; bearing teeth
diamantiferous bearing diamonds
discigerous bearing a disc or discus
doloriferous bearing grief or pain
elytriferous having or bearing hardened forewings
estiferous producing heat
ferriferous bearing iron
filiferous thread-bearing
flagelliferous bearing a whip or flagellum
flammiferous producing flame
floriferous bearing flowers
foetiferous bearing or carrying a fetus
foliaceous bearing leaves; leaf-like
foliferous bearing leaves
foraminiferous bearing foramina
fossiliferous bearing fossils
frigiferous bearing or bringing cold
frondiferous bearing or producing fronds
fructiferous bearing fruit
frugiferous bearing fruit
furciferous bearing a fork
furciferous bearing a forked appendage; rascally
galactophorous bearing or carrying milk
garnetiferous bearing garnets
gemmiferous bearing gems
glandiferous bearing acorns or nuts
glanduliferous bearing glands
globuliferous bearing globules
glumiferous bearing glumes
granuliferous bearing granules
guaniferous bearing dung
gummiferous bearing gum
guttiferous exuding drops
gypsiferous bearing gypsum
hederiferous ivy-bearing
igniferous bearing fire
jaculiferous having arrow-like prickles
lactiferous milk-bearing
laniferous wool-bearing
lanigerous bearing wool
laticiferous containing or conveying latex
lauriferous bearing laurels
lethiferous causing death; carrying or bearing death
libaniferous yielding or bearing incense
luciferous light-bringing; light-giving
lucriferous lucrative; yielding profit
luminiferous bearing or bringing light
maliferous harmful; unhealthy
mammiferous having breasts
manganiferous bearing manganese
margaritiferous pearl-bearing
mastigophorous bearing a whip
melaniferous containing or bearing melanin
melliferous producing or forming honey
mentatiferous telepathic
metalliferous bearing metal
morbiferous disease-bringing
morigerous obsequious or deferent
mortiferous death-bringing; fatal
moschiferous producing musk
motiferous conveying motion
muciferous conveying or secreting mucus
nectariferous producing nectar
nickeliferous bearing nickel
nubiferous cloud-bringing
nuciferous nut-bearing
odoriferous emitting a usually pleasant smell
oleiferous producing oil
omniferous bearing everything
ossiferous bearing bones
oviferous egg-carrying
ovigerous bearing eggs
ovuliferous bearing ovules
ozoniferous bearing ozone
papilliferous bearing papillae
papuliferous pimply; bearing or pertaining to pimples
pedigerous having or bearing feet
peltiferous bearing a shield
penniferous bearing feathers
pestiferous bringing plague or pestilence
petaliferous bearing petals
petroliferous bearing petroleum
piliferous bearing or growing hair
placentigerous bearing a placenta
platiniferous bearing platinum
plumbiferous bearing or yielding lead
plumigerous plumaged
polliniferous bearing pollen
pollinigerous pollen-bearing
pomiferous bearing apples
poriferous having pores
proligerous bearing offspring
pruniferous bearing plums
pubigerous hairy; bearing or growing hair
pupigerous bearing a puparium
pyritiferous bearing pyrite
quartziferous bearing quartz
quiniferous yielding quinine
racemiferous bearing clusters or bunches
ramiferous bearing branches
ramuliferous bearing small branches
resiniferous bearing resin
roriferous producing or bearing dew
rotiferous bearing rotifers
sacchariferous bearing sugar
sacciferous bearing a sac or sacs
saliferous salt-bearing
salutiferous conducive to health or well-being
sanguiferous bearing blood
scapigerous having a scape
scutigerous bearing a shield or scales
scyphiferous bearing a cup
sebiferous bearing fatty matter
securigerous bearing an axe
seminiferous seed-bearing
sensiferous conveying sensation
septiferous having barriers
serpentiferous bearing a snake; abounding in snakes
setiferous bearing bristles
setigerous bearing bristles
siliciferous bearing or containing silica
soboliferous bearing shoots or suckers
somniferous bearing sleep
soniferous producing sound
soporiferous bearing sleep
spicigerous bearing spikes
spiniferous bearing spines
spinigerous bearing spines
spinuliferous bearing spinules
sporiferous bearing spores
staminiferous bearing stamens
stanniferous bearing tin
stelliferous having many stars
stigmatiferous bearing stigma
stoloniferous bearing or having runners
stomatiferous having an orifice or mouth
strombuliferous bearing spirally coiled organs
styliferous bearing a bristle
succiferous bearing or producing sap
succiniferous bearing or producing amber
sudoriferous inducing or secreting sweat
surculigerous producing suckers
tediferous bearing a torch
thuriferous incense-bearing
titaniferous bearing titanium
toxiferous producing or bearing poison
trochiferous bearing a wheel or wheel-like organ
tuberiferous bearing tubers
turriferous bearing towers
umbelliferous bearing umbels
umbriferous giving or bearing shade
uraniferous bearing uranium
uriniferous bearing urine
vasiferous bearing a vessel or vas
veliferous bearing a sail or membrane
veneniferous carrying poison
vermigerous bearing, containing or infested with worms
viruliferous bearing or containing a virus
vitiferous bearing vines
yttriferous bearing yttrium
zinciferous bearing zinc
zinkiferous bearing zinc

Carriages and Chariots
araba wheeled Middle Eastern carriage
barouche four-wheeled hooded carriage
berlin four-wheeled covered carriage
britska open four-wheeled carriage
brouette small two-wheeled carriage
brougham one-horse closed carriage
cabriolet two-wheeled carriage
calash light low-wheeled carriage with folding top
cariole light open carriage
caroche stately carriage used on ceremonial occasions
chaise light open carriage for one or two people
charabanc open tourist coach with benches
clarence four-wheeled carriage
coupe four-wheeled closed horse-drawn carriage
curricle two-wheeled open carriage
dennet light two-wheeled carriage
désobligeante carriage for one passenger
diligence horse-drawn stage-coach
dogcart light two-wheeled carriage with seats back-to-back
dos-a-dos carriage where passengers seated back to back
droskhy low four-wheeled open carriage
ekka small one-horse carriage
fiacre hackney coach; cab
fourgon baggage-wagon
gharry box-like Middle Eastern horse-drawn cab
gig light two-wheeled one-horse carriage
hackney four-wheeled two-horse carriage
hansom light two-wheeled cab
herdic low-hung carriage with back entrance
jinker light horse-drawn passenger carriage
karrozzin Maltese horse-drawn carriage
landau horse-drawn carriage with folding top
noddy plain two-wheeled horse-drawn cart
phaeton open four-wheeled carriage
quadriga two-wheeled carriage drawn by four horses
roadster light carriage
rockaway light four-wheeled carriage with fixed top and open sides
rulley flat four-wheeled wagon for carrying goods
shandry light cart on springs
shay open carriage or chaise
sociable four-wheeled open carriage with side-seats
spider light high-wheeled carriage
stanhope light open one-seated carriage
sulky light two-wheeled, one-person horse-drawn carriage
surrey light four-wheeled carriage with two seats
tandem two-seated carriage with horses harnessed in series
tarantas four-wheeled carriage mounted on poles
telega four-wheeled springless wagon
tilbury light open two-wheeled carriage
timwhisky light carriage for one or two people, pulled by one or two horses
tonga light two-wheeled carriage
trap light one-horse carriage with springs
troika carriage drawn by three horses
tum-tum dog-cart
vettura carriage, cab or car
victoria light open two-seated four-wheeled carriage
vis-a-vis light carriage with seats facing one another
wagonette carriage with one crosswise seat in front, two seats in back

Ecclesiastical Terms
abba Syriac or Coptic bishop
ablegate papal envoy or legate
absconce lantern used in monasteries and night offices
abthane monastic region of the old Irish church
accensor acolyte
adiaphoron tenet or belief on which a theological system is indifferent
adoptionism belief that Christ was the adopted and not natural son of God
advowson right of presentation to church living
adytum sacred part of a temple or church; church chancel
affusion pouring on; as of baptismal water
agape selfless Christian love; a feast in celebration of such love
agapeistic characterized by Christian love
agapetae churchwomen who live platonically with celibate men
aggiornamento modernization of ideas of the Catholic church
agrapha sayings of Jesus not found in the canonical gospels
alb long white robe worn by priests
almoner giver of alms; social worker in a hospital
altarage payment to priest for mass; offerings at altar
ambo early Christian raised reading desk or pulpit
ambry recess for church vessels; cupboard or niche
ambulatory aisle down the east end of a church
amice strip of fine linen worn as cloak or wrap by priest at mass
ampulla vessel for holy oil or wine for coronations or rituals
anamnesis reminiscence; prayer recalling death and resurrection of Jesus
anchorite one withdrawn from the world for religious reasons
ancress female religious recluse
anele to administer extreme unction to
angelus prayer said in morning, at noon and at sunset
antechapel anteroom to a chapel or church
antependium covering or cloth over pulpit or altar
antilegomena books of the New Testament not part of early Christian Bible
antipedobaptism denial of validity of infant baptism
antiphon anthem sung as a response during church service
apocatastasis final restitution of all things at the appearance of the Messiah
apocrisiary papal secretary
apologetics defense and proof of Christianity or other doctrine
apse rounded extension of church or other building
archimandrite head of a monastery or convent
aspergillum vessel for sprinkling holy water
aspersory vessel for holding holy water
aureole radiant light around head or body of holy personage
autocephality ecclesiastical self-government
auto-da-fe burning of a heretic
autotheism belief that one is God incarnate or that one is Christ
baldaquin covering or canopy over a throne or altar
baptistery part of church reserved for performing baptisms
bardocucullus hooded cloak worn by monks
basilica Roman Catholic church given special privileges
beadle church caretaker or usher
beadsman monk or almoner who prays for benefactor
bema raised part of an Eastern church containing the altar
benefice ecclesiastical office to which revenue is attached
bethel a place of worship for seamen; nonconformist chapel
biretta square three-ridged cap worn by Catholic clergy
breviary book containing daily church service
bulla round seal attached to a papal bull
bullantic capitalized and ornamented, as letters used on papal bulls
bullary collection of papal bulls
bursary treasury of a monastery or college
burse square cloth case to carry the corporal during Communion service
caesaropapism control of the church by a secular ruler
calefactory a monastery sitting room
calotte Roman Catholic skullcap
camerlengo papal treasurer
campanile freestanding bell tower on church property
canoness woman living in a community under a religious rule
canticle short holy song or sung prayer
cantorial located on the north side of the choir in a church
capuchin pointed hooded cloak worn by friars
cardinalitial of, like or pertaining to church cardinals
cartulary keeper of monastic records
cassock close-fitting ankle-length clergyman's garment
catabaptism belief in the wrongness of infant baptism
catechumen one undergoing instruction prior to conversion to Christianity
cathedra chair or throne of office for a bishop or other high official
cathisma short hymn used as response
catholicos primate of Armenian or Nestorian church
cellarer monastery official in charge of provisions
cenacle room where the Last Supper was eaten
cenobite monk; member of religious group
cenoby monastery or convent
censer vessel for burning incense in religious rituals
cephalophore decapitated saint depicted with head tucked under arm
chancel part of church containing altar and seats for choir
chancery church office dealing with legal matters and archives
chantry chapel or altar built for prayers for its benefactor's soul
chaplet circlet or wreath for the head; short string of prayer beads
charterhouse Carthusian monastic building
chasuble sleeveless ecclesiastical garment
chevet east end of a church
chiliasm belief that Jesus will reign on Earth for a thousand years
chimere loose sleeveless robes worn by Anglican bishops
chrism consecrated or holy oil
chrismation sacrament of baptism in Eastern churches
chrismatory vessel for holding holy oil
chrisom white robe put on newly baptised child
christophany appearance of Christ to men
churching church ceremony given to women after childbirth
churchism devotion to church rules over religious precepts
ciborium freestanding canopy to cover altar; vessel for holding eucharistic bread
cilice haircloth shirt worn as penance
cimeliarch church vestry or treasury
cincture to gird or surround; belt worn around ecclesiastical vestment
cingulum girdle or girdle-like structure; priest's belt
circumincession the reciprocal existence of three parts of the Trinity in each other
classis a group; governing body of Reformed churches
clerestory upper storey of a church; windows near the roof of a building
coadjutor bishop assisting a diocesan bishop and having the right of succession
collegialism theory that church is independent from the state
colporteur peddler of religious tracts and books
compaternity spiritual relationship between child's parents and godparents
compline prayer service held just before bedtime
comprecation prayer meeting
concelebrate to jointly recite the canon of the Eucharist in unison with others
concordat agreement between the pope and a secular government
confirmand candidate for religious confirmation
confiteor prayer of confession of sins
consistory a solemn assembly or council; a church tribunal
consultor advisor to a Catholic bishop
conventicle secret or illegal church assembly
corporal white cloth on which Communion bread and wine are placed
credence small table for holding sacred vessels
credo concise statement of doctrine; section of Mass followed by offertory
crosier pastoral staff or crook held by bishop or abbot
cruet vessel used in religious ceremonies, especially to hold the Eucharist
curate assistant to a parish priest
curia papal court and its officials
custos guardian, custodian or keeper, especially of convents or monasteries
dalmatic ecclesiastical robe or other outer vestment
datary papal officer who registers and dates bulls and edicts
decanal located on south side of the choir in a church
decretal papal decree deciding a point of church law
deiparous bearing a god
deodate a gift to or from God
diaconicon sacristy for sacred vessels in Orthodox churches
diphysitism belief in the dual nature of Christ
diptych pair of pictures on hinged panels; register of bishops and saints
discalced without shoes; barefoot; a religious order wearing no shoes
ditheletism doctrine that Christ had two wills
donative benefice presented to church without reference to bishop
dossal ornamental cloth hung behind and above an altar
doxology hymn or verse of praise to God
dulia inferior veneration of saints and angels in comparison with God
ecclesiastry affairs of the church
eirenics theological doctrine of religious unification
encolpion reliquary; cross worn on the breast
encyclical letter sent by the pope to multiple bishops
eparchy diocese of an Eastern church
epiclesis calling on the Holy Spirit to consecrate the Eucharist
epistoler reader of the epistle in Anglican service
epitrachelion stole of an Orthodox priest or bishop
eremite hermit; religious recluse
eschatology doctrine of life and afterlife
eschaton end of the world; end time
euchology prayer book
exarch viceroy; rank below patriarch in Eastern church
exeat permission from bishop for clergyman to work elsewhere
exedra semicircular bench beside episcopal throne; outdoor bench or recess
exegetic explanatory, especially of Scripture
exequy funeral rites; funeral procession
faldstool desk from which the Litany is read at church service
fanion cloth worn on priest's arm and used for handling holy vessels
fenestella recess in church wall for storing communion vessels
feretory shrine for relics during a procession or for a funeral bier
feria weekday of a church calendar on which no holiday falls
festilogy treatise on ecclesiastical festivals
flèche narrow wooden spire on church roof
florilegium anthology of writings, especially of church fathers
fossarian clergyman moonlighting as a gravedigger
frankalmoign land tenure requiring religious obligations on part of tenant
friary a fraternity or group of friars
frontal cloth hanging over front of altar
galilee porch in front of church
glebe church land granted to clergyman
gradual part of mass between epistle and gospel
guimpe wide cloth covering neck and shoulders worn by nuns
hagioscope opening in wall to enable viewing of altar
hanap chalice used in communion whose cover is a second chalice
hassock kneeling cushion in a church
hearsecloth cloth lain over coffin during funeral
hegumene head of a nunnery
hieratical priestly; bound by religious convention
hieromonach monk who also serves as a priest
holobaptism belief in baptism with total immersion in water
homolegomena books of the Bible used in early Christianity
housel the eucharist; the act of taking the eucharist
hymnal collection of church hymns
hymnody hymns collectively; hymn-singing
hyperdulia veneration of the Virgin Mary above saints and angels
iconostasis screen or partition in Eastern churches with tiers of icons
incardination acceptance by a diocese of clergyman from another diocese
indulgence former Catholic pardon granted for remission of punishment for sins
indult special temporary dispensation granted by the Catholic church
internuncio messenger between two parties; low-ranking papal legate
intinction administering communion by dipping bread into wine
introit psalm or hymn sung at beginning of church service
invination presence of Christ's blood in sanctified wine
invitatory psalm or anthem sung before prayer during church service
jube ornamental choir-screen
jubilarian one who celebrates a jubilee, especially a priest, monk, or nun
jubilate the third Sunday after Easter
kamelaukion tall cylindrical hat worn by Orthodox priests
kenosis Christ's rejection of his divine side upon assuming human form
kerygma preaching of the Christian gospel
kerygmatic of, like or pertaining to preaching the Gospel
kirking first attendance of a couple at church after marriage
kyrie religious petition for mercy
labarum moral standard; ecclesiastical banner bearing Christ's monogram
laic of, like or pertaining to lay people rather than clergy
laicisation process of returning a clergyman to lay status
laicism doctrine of opposition to clergy and priests
lappet fold or flap on a garment or headdress worn by priest
latria highest degree of veneration, assigned to God over saints
lauds prayer service held at dawn following matins
lavabo ceremony in which priest washes his hands; basin for the ceremony
lavatory wash-basin for washing bodies of newly dead; room where lavabo kept
lavra group of recluses’ cells
lectern desk or stand from which church lessons are read
lection reading; lesson read in church
lectrice female reader in church
litany prayer of supplication in responsive style
liturgician one who studies or recites church rituals
locum clergyman temporarily replacing regular priest
lustration ritual washing; ablution
lychgate roofed gate of a churchyard
magisterium teaching function of the Catholic church
magnificat canticle in praise of the Virgin Mary
manciple steward of a college or monastery; purveyor
mandorla oval panel containing a work of art; elliptical halo around holy person
mandriarch founder or leader of a monastic order
maniple clerical vestment worn on the left arm
mantelletta knee-length sleeveless garment worn by Catholic cardinals and bishops
Mariolatry worship of the virgin mother
Mariology study of the Virgin Mary
marrano Jew converted to Christianity to avoid persecution
martyrium shrine erected in memory of a martyr
martyrolatry excessive devotion to martyrs
martyrology study of martyrs
matins prayer service held in early morning hours
mendicant member of impoverished religious order
menology register or calendar of saints’ days
mersion dipping; as in baptism
messianism belief in a single messiah or saviour
metropolitan archbishop holding authority over other bishops
midlenting custom of giving gifts to parents on mid-Lent Sunday
minster church associated with a monastery
misericord ledge in church to lean against while standing; forgiveness or mercy
missal book containing complete service for mass
miter high headdress worn by bishop or archbishop
modalism belief in unity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit
monergism theory that the Holy Spirit alone can act
monial a nun
monkery monks in general; monasticism; behaviour of monks
monophysitism belief that Christ was primarily divine but in human form
monotheletism belief that Christ had only one will
monstrance vessel used to expose the Eucharist
mozzetta short cape with ornamental hood worn by Catholic prelates
mystagogical of, like or pertaining to religious ritual initiation
naos temple; inner cell of a temple
narthex small entrance or porch to a church
nave largest part of church where congregation sits
nipter ecclesiastical ceremony of washing the feet
nones prayer service held at 3 p.m.
novena series of Catholic church services held on nine successive days
nuncio one who brings tidings; high-ranking papal legate
obit religious office for a dead person
oblate layman living in a religious community under modified rule
oblation act of offering; a sacrifice; anything offered in worship
oculus round window, especially over main door in church
orant representation of praying figure in early art
orarion deacon's stole in Orthodox church
orarium book of private devotions
orarium handkerchief; scarf attached to bishop's staff
oratory small chapel for private prayer; lectern for prayer
ordinal book containing religious rites, especially for ordination
ordo calendar with list of services for each day of the year
oremus Roman Catholic liturgical prayer
orison prayer
orphrey gold or other rich embroidery on clerical robes
osculatory carved tablet kissed by priest during celebration of mass
ostensory container for holding consecrated Communion wafers
paedobaptism doctrine of infant baptism
pall covering cloth laid upon Communion chalice
pallium white woollen band symbolising archbishop's authority
panegyricon collection of sermons for Orthodox church festivals
pannicle thin sheet-like vestment
pannychis all-night vigil in preparation for Orthodox church feast
paraclete advocate or intercessor; the Holy Spirit acting in such a role
parclose railing in church enclosing altar, chapel or tomb
pardoner one who raises money for religious works by selling indulgences
parousia second coming of Christ
parvis enclosed space at the front of a church
passalorynchite one who takes a religious vow of silence
paten plate; metal disk used to hold Communion bread
pax tablet decorated with sacred figure and kissed by participants in mass
peculiar parish or church exempt from jurisdiction of the bishop of its diocese
pentateuch the first five books of the Old Testament
pericope an excerpt or passage read during religious services
pernoctate to pass the night in vigil or prayer
phonascus person who maintains rhythm in church choir
pieta representation of Virgin Mary with dead Christ across her knees
pietism unquestioning or dogmatic religious devotion
piscina basin set in wall of church to drain away ceremonial water
plebania mother-church having authority over several local churches
pluvial floor-length open-fronted ecclesiastical garment
pneumatomachy denial of the divinity of the Holy Ghost
pneumatophany appearance of a spirit; especially the Holy Ghost
poppyhead raised ornament on top of upright end of seats in churches
postlude closing piece of music at end of church service
postulant candidate for a religious order
postulator official who presents case for canonization or beatification
prebend stipend or salary paid to clergyman
prebendal of, like or pertaining to stipends issued by a church
precentor leader of the singing of a church choir
predella platform for altar; portable altar or decoration upon it
prelacy episcopal church government
prelate bishop or abbot of superior rank
presbytery part of church reserved for officiating clergy
prie-dieu prayer stool or kneeling bench in a church
prime prayer service held at 6 a.m.
procathedral parish church serving as a cathedral
pronaos vestibule in front of a temple
proper elements of Christian mass that are variable
proseuche place of prayer; oratory
prothonotary chief registrar of a court; keeper of canonisation records
psalmodist singer of psalms
psalmody act of singing psalms in church services
pseudepigrapha apocrypha; non-canonical books of the Bible
pseudepiscopy existence or rule of a spurious bishop
psilanthropism denial of Christ's divinity
pulpitum gigantic stone screen separating cathedral choir from the nave
purificator cloth used to wipe Eucharist chalice
pyx box or vessel in which coins or consecrated Eucharist are kept
quaestionary religious pardoner
qualificator one who prepares ecclesiastical cases for trial
quaresimal Lenten; having the meagreness of Lenten meals
quartodeciman early Christian who celebrated Easter on Passover even if not a Sunday
rantize to sprinkle with water during baptism
rasophore lowest rank of Greek Orthodox monk
recusant one who refuses to attend Catholic church services; nonconformist
refectory dining-hall of a monastery or other institution
regula rule of a religious order
reliquary a small box or shrine used to hold relics
repository side altar in Catholic church
requiem lament or mass for the dead
requiescat prayer for the dead
reredos screen behind altar
rescript answer of pope or emperor to any legal question; edict or decree
responsory set of responses sung or said after liturgical reading
retable shelf or ornamental setting for panels behind an altar
retrochoir space in choir behind high altar
ridel altar curtain
rochet surplice-like vestment of a bishop or abbot
rogation asking or supplication, especially in an ecclesiastical sense
rood cross or crucifix at entrance to church chancel
sacerdotalism belief that priests are necessary mediators between God and mankind
sacramentarianism belief that sacraments have unusual properties
sacrarium place where sacred objects are kept
sacristan church official in charge of vessels and the sacristy
sacristy room in church where sacred objects are kept
saltire X-shaped cross
samarra flame-decorated cassock worn by those condemned by the Inquisition
scapular badge of monastic order worn on the shoulders
schola church choir led by a cantor
scholasticate preparatory college for those intending to enter Catholic order
scriptorium writing room; room used by monastic scribes
sedilia stone seats for clergy in wall of chancel
sempect extremely elderly Benedictine monk
sepulchre receptacle in an altar for holding religious relics
sext prayer service held at noon
sexton church caretaker or bellringer
shrive to hear a confession from and give absolution
sigillum seal of the confession
simony buying or selling of ecclesiastical offices
sinecure ecclesiastical office or other job requiring little work
situla a holy bucket
slype covered passage between walls, or between transept and chapterhouse
solifidianism doctrine that faith alone will ensure salvation
soteriology study of theological salvation
soutane priest's cassock
squarson clergyman who is also a land-holding squire
starets Eastern Orthodox spiritual advisor
staurolatry worship of the cross or crucifix
sticharion vestment like an alb worn by Orthodox priests
sticheron short hymn
stole narrow ecclesiastical vestment or scarf
stoup vessel for holding holy water
stylite monk who spends much time on tops of pillars
succinctorium band or scarf worn from the Pope's girdle
suffragan assistant bishop
superhumeral ecclesiastical garment worn over the shoulders
surplice loose-fitting ankle length overgarment worn by clerics
synaxarion account of a saint's life
synod ecclesiastical assembly or council
synthronus joint throne for an Orthodox bishop and his presbyters
tabernacle ornamental container for storing Communion bread and wine
taperer one who bears a taper during a religious procession
terce prayer service held at 9 a.m.
tester canopy over a bed, pulpit or altar
tetragrammaton sacred word or acronym of four letters
tetramorph artistic representation of the four evangelists in one figure
theanthroposophy system of belief concerning Christ as god and man
theodidact student of God; one who is taught by God
theody hymn in praise of God
theolepsy seizure or possession by a god
theologaster petty or shallow theologian
theometry measurement or estimation of God
theophany manifestation or appearance of a god to people
theotokos title given to the Virgin Mary as bearer of God
thurible censer
thurifer altar boy who bears censer
tiara three-tiered crown worn by or carried in front of the pope
tippet long black scarf worn by Anglican clergy
tonsure shaving of small area on the crown of head of a priest or monk
transept part of a church off to one side of main structure
transubstantiation miraculous changing of bread and wine into body and blood of Christ
tremendum feeling of overwhelming awe associated with religious experience
trental commemoratory service held thirty days after burial
triduum period of three days of prayer preceding Roman Catholic feasts
triforium gallery or arcade over an aisle; gallery over nave and choir
tritheism belief that the members of the Trinity are separate gods
tropology figurative language; moral interpretation of the Bible
tunicle short ecclesiastical vestment worn by bishop or subdeacon
tympanum space within an arch; arched recess at entrance of cathedral
ubiquitarianism belief that Christ is everywhere
ultramontane south of the Alps; supporting the Pope
unalist priest holding one benefice
unaneled without extreme unction
unction anointing as right of consecration or healing; warmth of address
undercroft crypt or vault under a church
unhouseled not having received the Eucharist shortly before death
verger church usher and attendant
vernicle cloth with image of Christ's face impressed upon it
versicle short verse in church service normally followed by response
vespers prayer service held in early evening
vestry priest's dressing room
vesturer keeper of vestments
viaticum money or provisions for journey; Eucharist for a dying person
vicegod hostile appellation applied to the Pope
wicket small door forming part of larger door of a church or castle
wimple cloth covering for head and neck worn by nuns
xerophagy eating of dry food; fast of dry food in the week preceding Easter
zeta small room or closet in a church
zucchetto round skullcap worn by Catholic clergy to indicate rank
zymite priest using leavened bread during communion

Divination and Fortune-Telling
acultomancy divination using needles
aeromancy divination by means of the weather
ailuromancy divination by watching cats’ movements
alectormancy divination by sacrificing a rooster
alectryomancy divination by watching a rooster gather corn kernels
aleuromancy divination using flour or meal
alomancy divination using salt
alphitomancy divination using loaves of barley
alveromancy divination using sounds
ambulomancy divination by taking a walk
amniomancy divination by examining afterbirth
anthomancy divination using flowers
anthracomancy divination using burning coals
anthropomancy divination using human entrails
apantomancy divination using objects at hand
arithmancy divination using numbers
armomancy divination by examining one’s shoulders
aspidomancy divination by sitting and chanting within a circle
astragalomancy divination using dice or knucklebones
astromancy divination using stars
austromancy divination using wind
axinomancy divination using an axe or hatchet
batraquomancy divination using frogs
belomancy divination by means of arrows
bibliomancy divination by opening a book at random
botanomancy divination using burning branches or plants
brontomancy divination using thunder
capnomancy divination by means of smoke
cartomancy telling fortunes using playing cards
catoptromancy divination by examining mirror placed underwater
causimancy divination by means of fire
ceneromancy divination using ashes
cephalonomancy divination by boiling an ass head
ceraunomancy divination using thunderbolts
ceraunoscopy divination using lightning
ceromancy divination by means of wax drippings
ceroscopy divination using wax
chaomancy divination by examining phenomena of the air
chirognomy divination by studying the hands
chiromancy divination by means of palmistry
chronomancy divination by means of time
cleidomancy divination using keys
cleromancy divination using dice
conchomancy divination using shells
coscinomancy divination using a sieve and a pair of shears
crithomancy divination by strewing meal over sacrifices
critomancy divination using viands and cakes
cromnyomancy divination using onions
crystallomancy divination by means of clear objects
crystalomancy divination using a crystal globe
cubomancy divination by throwing dice
dactyliomancy divination by means of a finger
dactylomancy divination using rings
daphnomancy divination using a laurel
demonomancy divination using demons
dririmancy divination by observing dripping blood
emonomancy divination using demons
enoptromancy divination using mirrors
eromancy divination using water vessels
extispicy divination using entrails
floromancy belief that flowers have feelings
gastromancy divination by sounds from the belly
geloscopy fortune-telling by means of laughter
geomancy divination by casting earth onto a surface
grafology divination by studying writing
graptomancy divination by studying handwriting
gyromancy divination by falling from dizziness
halomancy divination using salt
haruspication divination by inspecting animal entrails
hematomancy divination using blood
hepatoscopy divination by examining animal livers
hieromancy divination by studying objects offered in sacrifice
hieroscopy divination using entrails
hippomancy divination using horses
hydromancy divination using water
hypnomancy divination using sleep
ichnomancy divination using footprints
ichthyomancy divination by inspecting fish entrails
iconomancy divination using icons
idolomancy divination using idols
kephalonomancy divination using a baked ass’s head
keraunoscopia divination using thunder
knissomancy divination using burning incense
labiomancy lip reading
lampadomancy divination by flame
lecanomancy divination using water in a basin or pool
libanomancy divination by watching incense smoke
lithomancy divination by stones or meteorites
logarithmancy divination by means of algorithms
logomancy divination using words
macromancy divination using large objects
maculomancy divination using spots
margaritomancy divination using pearls
mathemancy divination by counting
meconomancy divination using sleep
meteoromancy divination by studying meteors
metopomancy divination using the forehead or face
metoposcopy fortune-telling or judgement of character by the lines of the forehead
micromancy divination using small objects
myomancy divination from the movements of mice
narcomancy divination using sleep
necyomancy divination by summoning Satan
nomancy divination by examining letters of name
odontomancy divination using teeth
oenomancy divination by studying appearance of wine
oinomancy divination using wine
ololygmancy fortune-telling by the howling of dogs
omoplatoscopy divination by observing cracks in burning scapulae
omphalomancy divination from the knots in the umbilical cord
oneiromancy divination by dreams
onomancy divination using a donkey or ass
onomancy divination using proper names
onychomancy divination by the fingernails
onymancy divination by the fingernails
oomancy divination using eggs
ophidiomancy divination using snakes
ophiomancy divination by watching snakes
ornithomancy divination by observing flight of birds
oryctomancy divination using excavated objects
ossomancy divination using bones
osteomancy divination using bones
ouranomancy divination using the heavens
pedomancy divination by examining the soles of the feet
pegomancy divination by springs or fountains
pessomancy divination using pebbles
phyllomancy divination using leaves or tea leaves
physiognomancy divination by studying the face
psephomancy divination by drawing lots or markers at random
psychomancy divination by means of spirits
pyromancy divination using fire
retromancy divination by looking over one’s shoulder
rhabdomancy divination using a rod or stick
rhapsodomancy divination by opening works of poetry at random
scapulomancy divination by examining burnt shoulder blade
scatomancy divination by studying excrement
scatoscopy divination by studying excrement; scatomancy
schematomancy divination using the human form
sciomancy divination using ghosts
scyphomancy divination by means of a cup
selenomancy divination by studying the moon
sideromancy divination using stars; divination by burning straws
sortilege divination by drawing lots
spasmatomancy divination by twitching or convulsions of the body
spatilomancy divination by means of feces
spheromancy divination using a crystal ball
spodomancy divination by means of ashes
stercomancy fortune-telling by studying seeds in dung
stichomancy divination by picking passages from books at random
stolisomancy divination by observing how one dresses oneself
sycomancy divination using fig leaves
tephromancy divination by ashes
theomancy divination by means of oracles
thrioboly divination using pebbles
thumomancy divination by means of one's own soul
tiromancy divination using cheese
topomancy divination using landforms
trochomancy divination by studying wheel tracks
tyromancy divination using cheese
uranomancy divination by studying the heavens
urimancy divination by observing urine
xenomancy divination using strangers
xylomancy divination by examining wood found in one’s path
zoomancy divination by observing animals

Fabric and Cloth
aba garment of camel or goat hair; camel or goat-hair fabric
aerophane thin crinkled semi-transparent fabric
alepine mixed wool and silk or mohair and cotton fabric
alpaca fine wool made from alpaca hair
angora silk-like fabric made from wool of angora goats
ardass fine silk
armure twilled woollen or silk fabric
arrasene embroidery fabric of wool and silk
atlas rich satin fabric
baft cheap coarse cotton fabric
bagging coarse fabric for making bags or sacks
baize coarse napped cotton or wool fabric
balbriggan knitted cotton fabric
baldachin rich embroidered silk and gold fabric
balzarine light cotton dress material
barathea pebbly silk or worsted fabric with broken rib weave
barege gauzy fabric of silk, cotton, wool, or worsted
barracan fine silk cloth
barras coarse linen fabric
barrateen some kind of fabric
batiste fine soft sheer fabric of plain weave
bayadere fabric with horizontal stripes in strongly contrasting colours
beaupers linen fabric used for flags
bengaline crosswise ribbed fabric
bombazine twilled silk and worsted fabric
borato thin fabric
bouclé fabric of uneven looped yarn
brilliantine light lustrous cotton and worsted fabric
broadcloth dense twilled wool or worsted fabric
brocade rich silk fabric with raised patterns
buckram stiff-finished cotton or linen used for linings of garments
bump coarse cotton fabric
bunting light loosely woven fabric used for flags
burdet cotton fabric
burlap coarse plain-woven jute or hemp fabric
burnet dark brown; dark woollen cloth
burrel coarse russet cloth
calamanco satin twilled woollen fabric
calico plain white cotton
camaca fine silk fabric
cambresine fine linen fabric
cambric fine thin white cotton or linen fabric
camlet strong waterproof silk or wool fabric
caneva fancy woollen fabric made to resemble canvas
canque Chinese cotton fabric
cashmere soft twilled fabric made of fine goat's wool
cashmerette soft imitation of cashmere
cassimere closely woven twilled cloth of fine wool
cendal silk fabric resembling taffeta
challis soft lightweight silk, wool or cotton fabric
chambray lightweight fabric with coloured warp and white filling
chamois cotton fabric made in imitation of chamois leather
charmante silk fabric with a crepe back
charmeuse soft and satiny silk fabric
chenille velvety silk, wool or cotton fabric with protruding pile
cheviot coarse heavy plain or twilled wool or worsted
chiffon sheer silk fabric
chino strong twilled cotton cloth
chintz glazed printed cotton fabric
cire fabric with a glazed finish
cloque fabric with an embossed design
coburg thin single-twilled worsted fabric with cotton or silk
cordovan soft goatskin leather
corduroy durable cotton piled fabric with vertical ribs
crash coarse drapery and towelling fabric
crepe light crinkled fabric
crepon heavy crepe fabric with lengthwise crinkles
cretonne heavy cotton or linen cloth
crin horsehair fabric
crinoline stiff flax or cotton fabric
cubica fine unglazed fabric resembling shalloon
cypress silk or cotton gauze fabric, usually black
damask fine lustrous fabric with flat patterns and a satin weave
delaine light fabric of wool or mixed wool and cotton
denim firm and durable twilled cotton
dimity sheer and stout white cotton
domett plain cotton-wool blend
dornick stout linen
dowlas coarse linen
drabbet coarse linen
drap-de-Berry old woollen cloth
dreadnought heavy woollen cloth
drill durable twilled cotton
droguet ribbed woollen dress fabric
drugget coarse durable wool fabric
ducape plain-woven stout silk fabric
duck durable closely woven cotton fabric
duffel fabric of thick, low-quality woolen cloth
dungaree heavy coarse durable twilled cotton, usually coloured
dupion coarse silk
duroy coarse woollen
duvetyn smooth lustrous velvety fabric
ecarlate fine woollen cloth, usually dyed scarlet
éolienne fine silk and wool
etamine light open-mesh cotton or worsted
eyelet small hole in fabric to allow passage of a cord; cotton fabric with small holes
faille shiny closely woven silk, cotton or rayon fabric
farandine silk and wool cloth
filoselle coarse floss silk
flannel light woollen fabric
foulard soft lightweight plain-woven or twilled silk fabric
foulé light woollen fulled cloth
frieze rough heavy woollen cloth
fuji plain spun silk fabric
fustian coarse twilled cotton
gabardine closely woven cotton or wool twill
galatea striped cotton
gambroon twilled worsted and cloth
gazar silk organza fabric
genappe smooth worsted yarn
georgette thin silk
gingham striped cotton cloth
grenadine thin silk
grogram coarse loosely woven silk fabric
grosgrain heavy close-woven corded silk
gulix kind of fine linen
harn coarse linen
herringbone twilled fabric woven in rows of parallel sloping lines
hodden coarse undyed woollen cloth
holland coarse plain-woven cotton or linen
hopsack rough-surfaced loose fabric
houndstooth fabric with an irregular checked pattern
huckaback absorbent cotton or linen used for towels
jaconet stout cotton cloth
jacquard intricately-woven variegated fabric; loom for making jacquard
jaspe cotton or rayon cloth with shaded effect
jean durable twilled cotton material
jersey plain weft-knitted fabric of wool, cotton, nylon or silk
kalamkari fabric coloured by repeated dyeing
kelt coarse fabric made of black and white wool
kente hand-woven African silk fabric
kersey coarse woollen cloth
kerseymere twilled fine wool
khaddar homespun cotton cloth
kincob embroidered silk with gold and silver threads
lamé fabric in which metallic threads are interwoven
lasting sturdy cotton or worsted cloth
lawn fine sheer plain-woven cotton or linen
leno open-woven fabric
linsey coarse linen and wool blend
linsey-woolsey thin coarse fabric of wool and linen
lockram coarse linen
loden heavy waterproof woollen fabric
lustring glossy silk
lutestring plain glossy silk
mackinaw heavy napped and felted wool cloth
mackintosh lightweight rubberized waterproof cotton
madapollam fine cotton cloth
madras fine plain-woven cotton or silk
marabout thin downy silk
marcella cotton or linen in twill weave
marocain ribbed crepe fabric
marquisette sheer meshed cloth
matelassé having a quilted ornamentation; fabric with raised pattern as if quilted
melton strong and smooth heavy woollen cloth
merino soft wool of the merino sheep; any soft merino-like wool or wool and cotton cloth
messaline soft lightweight silk with a satin weave
mockado inferior quality woollen fabric
mogadore ribbed silk used in making neckties
mohair fabric made from silky hair of angora goats
moire watered silk
moleskin heavy durable cotton
moreen stout corded wool or cotton
mousseline fine sheer fabric
mull soft fine sheer cotton or silk fabric
muslin plain-woven fine cotton
musterdevillers archaic mixed grey woollen cloth
nainsook fine cotton fabric
nankeen buff-coloured; durable buff-coloured cotton
needlecord thinly ribbed cotton
ninon silk voile or other thin fabric
organdie fine translucent cotton
organza transparent thin silk or nylon
orleans interwoven cotton and worsted
osnaburg coarse linen or cotton
ottoman heavy clothing fabric with crosswise ribs
oxford soft durable plain-woven cotton
paduasoy corded silk
paisley soft wool fabric with ornamental pattern
panne heavy lustrous silk or rayon with waxy feel
paramatta worsted and cotton blend
pashmina fine goat's wool fabric used for making shawls
pekin fine soft silk
pellicule thin diaphanous fabric
percale closely woven lightweight cloth
percaline glossy lightweight cotton
perse dark blue or bluish-grey; cloth of such a colour
piqué stiff durable corded fabric of cotton, rayon or silk
platilla fine white linen
plissé fabric with puckered finish
pongee thin soft fabric woven from raw silk
poodle coarsely looped or nubby fabric
poplin corded woven silk and worsted
prunella strong and heavy silk or wool
rabanna raffia fabric of Madagascar
ramie strong lustrous fabric resembling linen or silk
raploch coarse undyed woollen cloth
raschel light loosely kitted cloth
ratiné rough bulky plain-woven fabric
rep plain-woven fabric with crosswise ribs
reticella old Venetian lace-like fabric
romal handkerchief or headcloth; silk or cotton fabric
rumchunder fine silk
russel ribbed cotton and wool
russet coarse homespun cloth
sagathy light blend of silk and cotton or wool
samite rich and heavy silk, sometimes interwoven with gold or silver
sarsenet fine and soft silk; soft or gentle
satara ribbed lustred wool
sateen glossy cotton or wool
satin closely woven silk with lustrous face
satinet thin silk satin or imitation thereof
saxony fine soft woollen fabric
say delicate woollen fabric
scarlet fine cloth
scrim durable plain-woven cotton fabric
seersucker light puckered cotton or linen fabric
sempiternum durable wool
sendal thin silk or linen
serge strong twilled worsted
shalloon light twilled wool or worsted
shantung plain rough silk or cotton
sharkskin smooth durable wool or worsted fabric
shetland lightweight loosely twisted wool fabric
shoddy woollen fabric made from rags
sicilienne ribbed silk
silesia thin twilled cotton or linen
silkaline soft light cotton fabric resembling silk
sindon fine linen
stammel coarse woollen fabric, usually dyed red; bright red colour
stockinette soft elastic cotton fabric
surah soft twilled silk or rayon
swansdown heavy napped cotton flannel
swanskin soft napped fabric resembling flannel
tabaret striped watered silk and satin fabric
tabby plain-woven silk taffeta fabric
tabinet silk and wool watered fabric
taffeta thin glossy silk
tamin thin glazed worsted
tamis thin wool
tarlatan thin sheer stiff cotton
terry piled fabric consisting of uncut loops
ticking strong linen or cotton fabric used for mattress and pillow cases
tiffany transparent silk-like gauzy fabric
tiretaine wool cloth mixed with cotton or linen
toile plain or simple twilled fabric
tricolette silk or rayon knitted fabric
tricot plain knitted silk or woollen fabric
tricotine double-twilled worsted fabric
tulle sheer and delicate thin silk
tussah brownish silk fabric
tweed rough twilled wool
twill any diagonally woven fabric
velour piled velvety cotton
veloutine velvety corded wool
velvet soft piled fabric of silk, cotton or synthetic material
velvetine cotton with silk pile
vicuna fabric made from wool of the vicuna, a small ruminant
voile soft fine sheer fabric
wadmal thick coarse wool
whipcord fabric with bold twill used for making dresses
wigan stiff plain-woven cotton
wincey plain or twilled cotton
woolsey cotton and wool blend
worcester fine wool
worsted fine closely-woven wool
zanella mixed twilled umbrella fabric
zephyr lightweight wool or worsted fabric; the west wind
zibeline soft piled wool

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